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属天的奥秘 第5357节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5357

5357. Verses 53-57. And the seven years of abundance of produce that was in the land of Egypt were ended. And the seven years of famine began to come, as Joseph had said; and there was famine in all lands; and in all the land of Egypt there was bread. And all the land of Egypt was famished, and the people cried unto Pharaoh for bread; and Pharaoh said to all Egypt, Go unto Joseph; what he saith unto you, do. And the famine was over all the faces of the land, and Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold to Egypt; and the famine was strengthened in the land of Egypt. And all the earth came into Egypt to buy, to Joseph; because the famine was strengthened in all the earth. "And the seven years of abundance of produce were ended," signifies after the states of the multiplication of truth; "that was in the land of Egypt," signifies in the natural; "and the seven years of famine began to come," signifies the following states of desolation; "as Joseph had said," signifies as had been foreseen by the celestial of the spiritual; "and there was famine in all lands," signifies desolation everywhere in the natural; "and in all the land of Egypt there was bread," signifies remains in consequence of truths from good having been multiplied; "and all the land of Egypt was famished," signifies desolation in both naturals; "and the people cried unto Pharaoh for bread," signifies the need of good for truth; "and Pharaoh said to all Egypt," signifies perception; "Go unto Joseph," signifies that it was from the celestial of the spiritual; "what he saith to you, do," signifies provided there is obedience; "and the famine was over all the faces of the land," signifies that there was desolation even to despair; "and Joseph opened all the storehouses," signifies communication from remains; "and sold to Egypt," signifies appropriation; "and the famine was strengthened in the land of Egypt," signifies increasing severity; "and all the earth came into Egypt," signifies that truths and goods were brought into the memory knowledges of the church; "to buy," signifies appropriation therefrom; "to Joseph," signifies where the celestial of the spiritual was; "because the famine was strengthened in all the earth," signifies that everywhere, except there, was there desolation in the natural.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5357

5357. Verses 53-57 And the seven years of abundance of corn ended, which was in the land of Egypt. And the seven years of famine began to come, even as Joseph had said; and the famine was in all lands, and in all the land of Egypt there was bread. And all the land of Egypt suffered famine, and the people cried out to Pharaoh for bread. And Pharaoh said to all Egypt, Go to Joseph; do what he tells you. And the famine was over all the face of the earth; and Joseph opened all the places in which [there was grain] and sold to Egypt. And the famine was becoming great in the land of Egypt. And all the earth came to Egypt to buy [grain], to Joseph; for the famine became great in all the earth.

'And the seven years of abundance of corn ended' means those states during which truth was multiplied. 'Which was in the land of Egypt' means, within the natural. 'And the seven years of famine began to come' means the subsequent states of desolation. 'Even as Joseph had said' means as was foreseen by the celestial of the spiritual. 'And the famine was in all lands' means a desolation everywhere in the natural. 'And in all the land of Egypt there was bread' means the remnants of the truths from good that have been multiplied. 'And all the land of Egypt suffered famine' means desolation in both parts of the natural. 'And the people cried out to Pharaoh for bread' means the need of good which was felt by truth. 'And Pharaoh said to all Egypt' means a discernment. 'Go to Joseph' means that the celestial of the spiritual is the supplier of it. 'Do what he tells you' means provided that obedience exists. 'And the famine was over all the face of the earth' means when there was desolation even to the point of despair. 'And Joseph opened all the places in which [there was grain]' means a communication of remnants. 'And sold to Egypt' means a making over to. 'And the famine was becoming great in the land of Egypt' means an increasing severity. 'And all the earth came to Egypt' means that forms of truth and good were gathered into the facts known to the Church. 'To buy [grain]' means a making one's own. 'To Joseph' means where the celestial of the spiritual was. 'For the famine became great in all the earth' means that, apart from there, desolation existed everywhere in the natural.

Latin(1748-1756) 5357

5357. Vers. 53-57. Et absoluti septem anni abundantiae annonae, quae fuit in terra Aegypti. Et inceperunt septem anni famis venire, quemadmodum dixit Joseph; et fuit fames in omnibus terris, et in omni terra Aegypti fuit panis. Et famem passa omnis terra Aegypti, et clamavit populus ad Pharaonem pro pane, et dixit Pharaoh omni Aegypto, Ite ad Josephum, quod dicit vobis, faciatis. Et fames fuit super omnibus faciebus terrae, et aperuit Joseph omnia in quibus, et vendidit Aegypto; et invalescebat fames in terra Aegypti. Et omnis terra venerunt Aegyptum ad emendum ad Josephum, quia invaluit fames in omni terra. `Et absoluti septem anni abundantiae annonae' significat post status multiplicationis veri: 'quae fuit in terra Aegypti' significat in naturali: `et inceperunt septem anni famis venire' significat status sequentes desolationis: `quemadmodum dixit Joseph' significat sicut praevisum a caelesti spiritualis: `et fuit fames in omnibus terris' significat desolationem ubivis in naturali: `et in omni terra Aegypti fuit panis' significat reliquias ex multiplicatis veris ex bono: `et famem passa omnis terra Aegypti' significat desolationem in naturali utroque: `et clamavit populus ad Pharaonem pro pane' significat indigentiam boni pro vero: `et dixit Pharaoh omni Aegypto' significat apperceptionem: `Ite ad Josephum' significat quod ex caelesti spiritualis: `quod dicit vobis, faciatis' significat modo sit oboedientia: `et fames fuit super omnibus faciebus terrae' significat cum desolatio usque ad desperationem: `et aperuit Joseph omnia in quibus' significat communicationem ex reliquiis: `et vendidit Aegypto' significat appropriationem: `et invalescebat fames in terra Aegypti' significat gravitatem increscentem: `et omnis terra venerunt Aegyptum' significat quod vera et bona collata in scientifica quae Ecclesiae: `ad emendum' significat appropriationem inde: `ad Josephum' significat ubi caeleste spiritualis: `quia invaluit fames in omni terra' significat quod ubivis praeter ibi desolatio in naturali. {1} @1 A has here (de desolatione excerpta) $

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