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属天的奥秘 第5407节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5407

5407. And we shall live, and not die. That this signifies spiritual life, is evident from the signification of "living and not dying," as being spiritual life, because nothing else is signified in the internal sense by "living and not dying." For in the other world by "life" is signified in general heaven, and in particular eternal happiness; and by "death" is signified in general hell, and in particular eternal unhappiness there, as is plain from many passages in the Word. That heaven in general and eternal happiness in particular is called "life," is because the wisdom of good and the intelligence of truth are there; and in the wisdom of good and the intelligence of truth is life from the Lord, from whom is the all of life. But because in hell there is the contrary-evil in place of good and falsity in place of truth, thus the extinction of spiritual life-therefore in hell relatively there is death; for spiritual death is evil and falsity, and in man it is to will evil, and thence to think falsity. Evil genii and spirits are unwilling to hear it said of them that they do not live, or that they are dead; for they say that they have life because they are able to will and to think. But they are told that as life is in good and truth, it cannot possibly be in evil and falsity, for these are contrary.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5407

5407. 'And let us live and not die' means spiritual life. This is clear from the meaning of 'living and not dying' as spiritual life, for nothing else than this is meant in the internal sense by 'living and not dying'. In the next life 'life' generally means heaven, but specifically it means eternal happiness, while 'death' generally means hell, but specifically eternal unhappiness there, as is also evident from many places in the Word. The reason why heaven generally and eternal happiness specifically are called 'life' is that wisdom, which essentially is good, and intelligence, which essentially is truth, are present in heaven, and the life of such wisdom and intelligence is received from the Lord, the Source of the whole of life. But because the contrary of this exists in hell - that is to say, evil exists instead of good, and falsity instead of truth, so that spiritual life has been snuffed out there - what exists there, compared with that existing in heaven, is death. For spiritual death consists in evil and falsity, and it exists with man as the desire for what is evil and a consequent thinking what is false. Evil genii and spirits refuse to listen when it is said that they have no life or that they are dead. For they say that they do have life since they have the power of will and the power of thought. But they are told that since life resides in what is good and true it cannot possibly do so in what is evil and false, because the two are contraries.

Latin(1748-1756) 5407

5407. `Et vivamus et non moriamur': quod significet vitam spiritualem, constat ex significatione `vivere et non mori' quod sit vita spiritualis, nam non aliud per `vivere et non mori' in sensu interno significatur; in altera enim vita per `vitam' significatur in genere caelum, in specie felicitas aeterna {1}, et per `mortem' significatur in genere infernum, et in specie infelicitas aeterna ibi, quod etiam a pluribus locis in Verbo patet; quod caelum in genere, et felicitas aeterna {2}in specie dicatur vita, est quia ibi est sapientia boni et intelligentia veri, et sapientiae boni ac intelligentiae veri inest vita a Domino, a Quo omne vitae; at quia in inferno est contrarium, nempe loco boni {3} malum et loco veri falsum, et sic exstincta vita spiritualis, idcirco ibi respective est mors, nam mors spiritualis {4}est malum et falsum, ac apud hominem est velle malum, et inde cogitare falsum. (m)Mali genii et spiritus non volunt audire quod de illis dicatur quod non vivant, seu quod mortui sint; dicunt enim quod vitam habeant quia possunt velle et possunt cogitare, sed illis dicitur, cum in bono et vero {5}est vita, quod nequaquam possit esse in malo et falso, {6}sunt enim contraria.(n) @1 i ibi$ @2 ibi$ @3 i est$ @4 non aliud est quam$ @5 sit$ @6 est enim contrarium$

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