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属天的奥秘 第5422节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5422

5422. But made himself strange unto them. That this signifies non-conjunction because without an intermediate, is evident from the signification of "making himself strange," as here being non-conjunction because without an intermediate; for one who is not in reciprocal conjunction, because without an intermediate, appears strange, just as internal truth, or truth immediately from the Divine, appears strange to those who are in external truths. For this reason it is that Joseph made himself strange to his brethren, not because he was estranged, for he loved them, so that he turned from them and wept (verse 24); but the strangeness on their part, because of non-conjunction, is represented by his so bearing himself. As for example, where it is said in the Word that Jehovah or the Lord "makes Himself strange" to the people, "opposes" them, "rejects" them, "condemns," "casts into hell," "punishes," and "delights" in such things, in the internal sense is meant that the people make themselves strange to Jehovah or the Lord, oppose Him, are in evils which reject them from His face, and which condemn them, cast them into hell, and punish them, and that such things never proceed from Jehovah or the Lord. But it is so stated in the Word on account of the appearance; for so it appears to the simple. The case is similar with internal truths when they are viewed by external truths without conjunction by what is intermediate; for then these truths appear altogether strange to external truths, and even sometimes opposite; when in fact the opposition is not in the internal, but in the external truths; for these without conjunction by what is intermediate cannot view the former except from the light of the world separate from the light of heaven, and consequently as strange to them. But in regard to this matter more will be said in what follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5422

5422. 'And he acted as a stranger to them' means that in the absence of the intermediary no joining together took place. This is clear from the meaning of 'acting as a stranger' here as the fact that no joining together takes place because the intermediary is absent. For one who is not joined reciprocally to others because no intermediary is present seems to be a stranger, which is how internal truth, or truth coming directly from the Divine, is seen by people who are interested solely in external truths. This now explains why Joseph at this point acted as a stranger to his brothers. Not that he was really alienated from them; rather, he loved them, for verse 24 says that he turned away from them and wept. The alienation existed on their side, for the reason that they were not joined to him; and this was represented by his acting in the way he did. Let an exemplification of this be seen in those places in the Word which say that Jehovah or the Lord acts as a stranger towards people, sets Himself against them, casts them away, condemns them, sends them to hell, punishes them, and is delighted when such things are done. When these things are said of Him the meaning in the internal sense is that those people act as strangers towards Jehovah or the Lord, set themselves against Him, are subject to evils which cast these people away from His presence, condemn them, send them to hell, and punish them, and that Jehovah or the Lord is by no means at all the source from which such deeds spring. But the Word speaks as though He is since that is the appearance; for to the simple He does appear to do those very things.

[2] Something similar is the case with internal truths. Looked at from the point of view of external truths that are not joined to them through an intermediary, those internal truths appear totally alien to them; indeed they are sometimes seen to be set in opposition to them. But there is no opposition on the part of the internal truths; rather it exists with the external ones. For when these have no intermediary to join them to internal truths they inevitably view the internal ones by the light of the world separated from the light of heaven, and consequently see them as strangers alienated from them. But more will be said about this further on.

Latin(1748-1756) 5422

5422. `Et gessit se alienum ad illos': quod significet non conjunctionem quia absque medio, constat a significatione `gerere se alienum' quod hic sit non conjunctio quia absque medio; qui enim (t)non in conjunctione reciproca est quia absque medio, is apparet alienus, prout {1}verum internum seu verum immediate a Divino, illis qui in veris externis sunt {2}; inde nunc est quod Josephus se alienum gesserit ad fratres suos, non quod is alienus fuerit, amavit enim illos, nam conversus ab illis flevit, vers. 24, sed alienum a parte illorum ob non conjunctionem, repraesentatur per quod {3}ipse se ita gesserit; {4} sicut pro exemplo: ubi dicitur in Verbo quod Jehovah seu Dominus alienum se gerat populo, opponat se illis, rejiciat illos, damnet, mittat in infernum, puniat, delectetur ut talia fiant, intelligitur in sensu interno quod illi se alienos Jehovae seu Domino gerant, opponant se Ipsi, in malis sint quae rejiciunt illos a facie Ipsius, quae damnant illos, quae mittunt {5} in infernum, et quae puniunt, et quod ex Jehovah seu Domino nusquam talia procedant; sed ita dicitur in Verbo propter apparentiam, simplicibus enim sic apparet. [2]Similiter se habet cum veris internis, cum ea spectantur a veris externis absque conjunctione per medium, tunc apparent illa vera ab his prorsus aliena, immo quandoque opposita, cum tamen oppositio non est in veris internis sed apud vera externa; haec enim absque conjunctione per medium non spectare possunt illa aliter quam a luce mundi separata a luce caeli, consequenter aliena a se; sed de hac re plura in sequentibus. @1 A alters these to plurals$ @2 i non conjunctio per medium intercedat$ @3 ita se gesserit$ @4 i at in sensu interno intelligitur alienum apud illos qui spectant a nulla conjunctione$ @5 i illos$

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