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属天的奥秘 第5423节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5423

5423. And spoke hard things with them. That this signifies hence also non-correspondence, is evident from the same explication that was given above of his "making himself strange" to them. To "make one's self strange" has regard to the affection of the will, and to "speak hardly" has regard to the thought of the understanding, for in the internal sense "to speak" is to think (see n. 2271, 2287, 2619); and the internal appears strange to the external when there is no affection, and the internal appears to speak hard things when there is no correspondence. Correspondence is the appearing of the internal in the external, and its representation therein; wherefore when there is no correspondence, there is no appearing of the internal in the external, and therefore no representation of it therein. Hence comes the hardness.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5423

5423. 'And spoke hard words to them' means no agreement therefore existed either. This is clear from the same explanation offered above regarding his acting as a stranger, though 'acting as a stranger' has regard to affection, which is an activity of the will, whereas 'speaking hard words' has regard to thought, which is an activity of the understanding; for in the internal sense speaking' means engaging in thought, 2271, 2287, 2619. What is internal appears to what is external to be 'a stranger' when no affection is present, and it appears 'to speak hard words' when the two are not in agreement. Such agreement exists when the internal manifests itself within the external and produces a representation of itself within this, so that no agreement exists when the internal does not manifest itself within the external and does not therefore produce any representation of itself within it. And that leads to the hardness there.

Latin(1748-1756) 5423

5423. `Et locutus cum illis dura': quod significet inde quoque non correspondentiam, constat ex eadem explicatione quae {1}supra de eo quod `gesserit se alienum'; gerere se alienum spectat affectionem quae est voluntatis, et `loqui dura' spectat cogitationem quae {2} intellectus; `loqui' enim in sensu interno est cogitare, n. 2271, 2287, 2619; tunc enim internum alienum apparet externo, cum nulla affectio, et tunc internum dura loqui apparet, cum nulla correspondentia; correspondentia enim est apparitio interni in externo, et ibi ejus repraesentatio, quare ubi non correspondentia, est nulla apparitio interni in externo, proinde in hoc non illius repraesentatio, inde durum {3}. @1 mox supra de ea re$ @2i est$ @3i quod ibi$

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