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属天的奥秘 第5449节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5449

5449. By the life of Pharaoh. That this signifies of a certainty, is evident from the fact that "by the life of Pharaoh," is a form of emphatic assertion, thus implying that it is certain. Joseph indeed knew that they were not spies, and that they did not come to see the nakedness of the land; yet he so asserted because in the internal sense it was certain that the truths of the church, in whomsoever they are, without conjunction through good with the interior man, have as the end nothing but gain; but when they have been conjoined through good with the interior man, they have as the end good and truth itself, thus the church, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord Himself; and when they have these as the end, then as much gain falls to their share as is needed, according to the Lord's words in Matthew:

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5449

5449. 'As sure as Pharaoh lives' means a certainty. This is clear from the fact that 'as sure as Pharaoh lives' is a phrase that is employed to say something emphatically, thus to state a certainty. Joseph, it is true, knew they were not spies and that they had not come to see the nakedness of the land; nevertheless he used that phrase because of the certainty described in the internal sense - the certainty that unless they are joined by means of good to the interior man, the truths known to the Church, with whomsoever they are present, possess no other end in view than material gain. But once they have become joined through good to the interior man they have what is really good and true, and so the Church, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord Himself as their end in view. And when people have these as their end in view, material gain also comes their way, insofar as they have need of it, in keeping with the Lord's words in Matthew,

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matt 6:33.

Latin(1748-1756) 5449

5449. `Vivat Pharaoh': quod significet certum, constat ex eo quod `vivat Pharaoh' sit formula asseverandi, ita quod certum sit; novit quidem Joseph quod non exploratores essent, et quod non venerint ad videndum nuditatem terrae, at usque ita {1}asseveravit quia certum quod in sensu interno, nempe quod vera Ecclesiae absque conjunctione per bonum cum interiore homine, non aliud pro fine habeant quam lucrum apud quemcumque sint; at cum conjuncta sunt per bonum cum interiore homine, quod pro fine habeant ipsum bonum et verum, ita Ecclesiam, regnum Domini et Ipsum Dominum; et cum haec pro fine habent, tunc etiam cedit illis lucrum quanto opus, secundum Domini verba apud Matthaeum, Quaerite {2}primum regnum Dei et justitiam {3}Ipsius, et omnia adjicientur vobis, vi 33. @1 dixit$ @2 primo$ @3 ejus$

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