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属天的奥秘 第5450节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5450

5450. Ye shall not go forth hence, except your youngest brother come hither. That this signifies that it must needs be that the truths with you are such, unless conjoined with spiritual good, cannot be so well unfolded according to the significations of the words themselves; but this meaning results therefrom; for conjunction with spiritual good is here signified by the "youngest brother" (see n. 5443).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5450

5450. 'You shall not go out of here unless your youngest brother comes here' means that truths with you cannot help being such unless they have been joined to spiritual good. This cannot be explained very easily according to the meanings of the individual words that are used; it is however the meaning that springs from them, for here 'your youngest brother' means existing joined to spiritual good, see 5443.

Latin(1748-1756) 5450

5450. `Si exibitis exhinc nisi in venire frater vester minimus huc': quod significet quod non possit aliter quam quod vera apud vos sint talia nisi conjuncta sint bono spirituali, non ita {1}explicari potest secundum significationes ipsarum vocum, {2}at hic sensus inde redundat; per `fratrem enim minimum,' significatur hic conjunctio cum bono spirituali1 videatur n. 5443. @1 explicare I$ @2 et I$

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