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属天的奥秘 第5517节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5517

5517. And the youngest is this day with our father. That this signifies that by him there is adjunction to spiritual good, is evident also from what was unfolded above (see n. 5443), where the same words occur. It is said to be "by him," because the intermediate which is represented by Benjamin proceeds from the celestial of the spiritual, which is "Joseph."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5517

5517. 'And the youngest is today with our father' means that from itself [the celestial of the spiritual] had a link with spiritual good. This too is clear from the explanation above in 5443, where the same words occur. The expression from itself is used because the intermediary represented by 'Benjamin' goes forth from the celestial of the spiritual, which is 'Joseph'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5517

5517. `Et minimus hodie cum patre nostro {1}': quod significet quod ab ipso adjunctum sit bono spirituali, constat etiam ex illis quae supra n. 5443 explicata sunt, ubi {2} eadem verba; quod dicatur ab ipso, est quia medium quod repraesentatur per `Benjaminem', procedit a caelesti spiritualis quod `Josephus'. @1 see p. 183, ft. 1$ @2 i etiam$

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