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属天的奥秘 第5523节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5523

5523. And bring your youngest brother unto me. That this signifies that if there were an intermediate there would be conjunction, is evident from the representation of Benjamin, who is here the "youngest brother," as being an intermediate (see n. 5411, 5413, 5443); and from the signification of "bringing him unto me," as being that thereby there would be conjunction. For by the intermediate there is effected a conjunction of the internal represented by Joseph with the external things represented by the sons of Jacob (as shown above, n. 5411, 5413, 5427, 5428).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5523

5523. 'And bring your youngest brother to me' means that if the intermediary were there the joining together would take place. This is clear from the representation of Benjamin, to whom 'youngest brother' refers here, as the intermediary, dealt with in 5411, 5413, 5443; and from the meaning of 'bringing him to me' as a consequent joining together. For the intermediary effects the joining of the internal represented by 'Joseph' to the externals represented by 'the sons of Jacob', as shown above in 5411, 5413, 5427, 5428.

Latin(1748-1756) 5523

5523. `Et adducite fratrem vestrum minimum ad me': quod significet quod si medium conjunctio, constat ex repraesentatione `Benjaminis' qui hic est `frater minimus', quod sit medium, de qua n. 5411, 5413, 5443; et ex significatione `adducere illum ad me' quod sit quod inde conjunctio; per medium enim fit conjunctio interni quod repraesentatur per `Josephum', cum externis quae repraesentantur per `filios Jacobi', ut supra n. 5411, 5413, 5427, 5428 ostensum est.

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