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属天的奥秘 第5527节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5527

5527. And ye shall go about trading in the land. That this signifies that in this way truths will be made fruitful from good, and will all turn to use and profit, is evident from the signification of "trading," as being to procure for one's self the knowledges of good and truth, thus the truths of the church, and to communicate them (see n. 4453). They who have such things are called "traders" (n. 2967); wherefore "to go about trading in the land" is to seek diligently for such things wherever they are. From this it follows that "to go about trading in the land" signifies also to make truths fruitful from good; for when conjunction is effected through the intermediate which is "Benjamin," that is, the conjunction of the external man represented by the ten sons of Jacob, with the internal which is "Joseph" (which conjunction is here treated of), or what is the same, when the man has been regenerated, then truths are continually made fruitful from good. For he who is in good is in the capacity of clearly seeing the truths which flow from general truths, and this in a continual series; and still more afterward in the other life, where worldly and bodily things do not cast a shade. That this capacity is in good has been given me to know by much experience. I have seen spirits who had not been very clear sighted when they lived as men in the world, yet had led a life of charity, taken up into heavenly societies; and then they were in similar intelligence and wisdom with the angels there, and even did not know but that this wisdom and intelligence were in them. For through the good in which they had been they were in the capacity of receiving all influx from the angelic societies in which they were. Such a capacity, and hence such fruitfulness, is in good. But the truths which are made fruitful in them by good do not remain truths, but are committed by them to life, and then become uses; and therefore by "going about trading in the land" is signified also that they all will turn to use and profit.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5527

5527. 'And you will wander through the land, trading' means that truths from good will thereby be made fruitful and will all afford some useful purpose and lead to some form of gain. This is clear from the meaning of 'trading' as acquiring for oneself cognitions of good and truth, and so truths known to the Church, and communicating the same, dealt with in 4453; and those who possess such truths are called 'traders', 2967. Consequently 'going through the land, trading' is gathering such truths, wherever they are. From this it follows that 'going through the land, trading' also means the fruitfulness of truths from good. For once the joining together through the intermediary, which is 'Benjamin', has been accomplished, that is to say, once the external man, which is 'the ten sons of Jacob', has been joined to the internal, which is 'Joseph' - which joining together is dealt with here - or what amounts to the same, once a person has been regenerated, good is constantly making truths fruitful.

[2] For someone who is governed by good possesses the ability to see particular truths that derive from general ones, and to see them in a continuing sequence. This is more especially the case at a later stage in the next life when worldly and bodily matters cease to cast a shadow over them. I have been allowed to know from considerable experience that good brings this ability with it. Such experience has included spirits who had possessed not so much of that ability when they lived as people in the world but who had nevertheless led charitable lives. I have seen those spirits raised up into heavenly communities, where they have then possessed intelligence and wisdom akin to that of the angels there; indeed these knew no other than that such intelligence and wisdom existed within those spirits. For the good which had governed the lives they had led gave them the ability to receive everything that flowed into them from the angelic communities in which they were present. This kind of ability exists within good and so therefore does that kind of fruitfulness. But the truths which with them are made fruitful by good do not remain as truths; these people make them matters of life, in which case they come to be assigned to some useful purpose. Therefore 'wandering through the land, trading' also means that all truths will afford some useful purpose and lead to some form of gain.

Latin(1748-1756) 5527

5527. `Et terram negotiando pervagabimini {1}': quod significet quod ita fructificabuntur vera ex bono, et omnia cedent usui et lucro, constat ex significatione `negotiari' quod sit cognitiones boni et veri, ita vera Ecclesiae, sibi comparare, et illa communicare, de qua n. 4453; `negotiatores' vocantur qui talia habent, n. 2967; quare `negotiando pervagari terram' est conquirere talia ubicumque sunt; inde sequitur quod etiam per `negotiando pervagari terram' significetur fructificare vera ex bono; cum enim conjunctio facta est per medium quod `Benjamin', nempe externi hominis quod `decem filii Jacobi', cum interno quod Joseph, de qua conjunctione hic agitur, seu quod idem, cum homo regeneratus est, tunc vera continue fructificantur ex bono; [2] qui enim in bono est, in facultate est perspiciendi vera quae a communibus fluunt, et hoc in serie continua; et magis dein in altera vita ubi mundana et corporea non inumbrant; quod in bono illa facultas sit, per plurem experientiam scire datum est; spiritus qui non ita perspicaces fuerunt cum vixerunt homines in mundo, at usque charitatis vitam egerant {2}, illos vidi in societates angelicas elevatos, et tunc in simili intelligentia et sapientia cum angelis ibi, immo non aliter sciebant quam quod intelligentia et sapientia illa in iis essent {3}; erant enim per bonum in quo fuerant, in facultate recipiendi omnem influxum a societatibus angelicis in quibus erant; talis facultas inest bono, et inde talis fructificatio. Ast vera quae apud illos fructificantur a bono, non manent vera, sed ab illis mandantur vitae, et tunc fiunt usus; quapropter per `negotiando pervagabimini terram' etiam significatur quod omnia cedent usui et lucro. @1 pervagamini I$ @2 egerunt$ @3 illis esset$

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