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属天的奥秘 第5526节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5526

5526. I will give you your brother. That this signifies that thus truths would become goods, is evident from the representation of Simeon, who here is the "brother whom he would give them," as being faith in the will (see n. 5482); and from the representation of the ten sons of Jacob, who here are they to whom he would be "given," as being the truths of the church in the natural (n. 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512). That by "I will give you your brother" is signified that thus truths will become goods, is because when there exists faith in the will, truths become goods; for as soon as the truth of faith which is of doctrine enters the will, it becomes the truth of life, and becomes truth in act, and is then called good, and also becomes spiritual good. From this good a new will is formed in man by the Lord. That the will causes truth to be good, is because regarded in itself the will is nothing else than the love, for whatever a man loves he wills, and whatever he does not love he does not will; and also because all that which is of the love or from the love is perceived by the man as good, for it delights him. Hence it is that everything that is of the will or from the will is good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5526

5526. 'I will give you your brother' means that truths will thereby be made forms of good. This becomes clear from the representation of Simeon, who is 'the brother' here whom he would give them, as faith in the will, dealt with in 5482; and from the representation of the ten sons of Jacob, who are the ones here to whom he would be given, as the truths known to the Church present within the natural, dealt with in 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512. The reason 'I will give you your brother' means that truths will thereby be made forms of good is that when faith in the will is 'given', truths are made forms of good.

[2] For as soon as the truth of faith, which is a matter of doctrine, enters the will it is made the truth of life and truth put into practice, in which case it is called good and also becomes spiritual good; and the Lord uses this good to form a new will in the person. The will causes truth to exist as a form of good for the reason that essentially the will is nothing else than love (for whatever a person loves he wills, and whatever he does not love he does not will), and also for the reason that everything which is a product of love or flows from love is perceived by a person as a form of good since he takes delight in it. From this it follows that everything which is a product of the will or flows from the will is a form of good.

Latin(1748-1756) 5526

5526. `Fratrem vestrum dabo vobis': quod significet quod ita vera fient bona, constare potest ex repraesentatione `Shimeonis' qui hic est `frater quem illis daret', quod sit fides voluntate, de qua n. 5482; et ex repraesentatione `decem filiorum Jacobi', qui hic sunt `illi quibus daretur {1}' quod sint vera Ecclesiae in naturali, de qua n. 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512; quod per `fratrem vestrum dabo vobis' significetur quod ita vera fient bona, est quia cum datur fides voluntate, vera fiunt bona; [2] verum enim fidei quod est doctrinae, ut primum intrat voluntatem, fit verum vitae et fit actu verum, et tunc vocatur bonum et fit quoque bonum spirituale; ex hoc bono formatur a Domino apud hominem nova voluntas; quod voluntas faciat verum ut sit bonum, est causa quia voluntas in se spectata non aliud est quam amor; quicquid enim homo amat, hoc vult, et quicquid non amat, non vult; et quia omne quod est amoris seu ex amore, hoc percipitur ab homine ut bonum, jucundat enim illum; inde est quod omne quod est voluntatis seu ex voluntate, sit bonum. @1 i frater$

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