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属天的奥秘 第5570节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5570

5570. There are many, especially women, who have vested everything in adornment, nor have they thought higher, and scarcely anything about eternal life. This is pardoned to women until the age of womanhood, when the ardor which is wont to precede marriage ceases; but if they persist in such things in adult age, when they can know better, they then contract a nature which remains after death. Such appear in the other life with long hair spread over the face, which they also comb, vesting elegance therein; for "to comb the hair" signifies to accommodate natural things so that they appear becoming (see n. 5247). From this their quality is known by others; for spirits can tell from the color, length, and arrangement of the hair what the persons had been as to natural life in the world.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5570

5570. Many spirits exist, especially female ones, who have imagined that having an attractive appearance was all that mattered and who have thought about nothing deeper than this. They have given scarcely any thought to eternal life. This is excusable in females up to the time of young womanhood, when the burning desire which usually comes before marriage has died down. But if, when they become more mature adults and are able to understand something better, they continue in those ways, they acquire a character that remains with them after death. Such women are seen in the next life, possessing long hair which falls over their faces and which, in their imagination that such makes them elegant, they are also combing. (For 'combing one's hair' means making natural things look attractive, 5247.) From this other spirits recognize what those women are like; for spirits can know from their hair - from its colour, length, arrangement - what those women have been like so far as their natural life in the world is concerned.

Latin(1748-1756) 5570

5570. Sunt plures, cumprimis feminae, quae in decoris posuerunt omne nec cogitaverunt altius, et vix aliquid de vita aeterna; hoc feminis ignoscitur usque ad aetatem juvenilem cum desiit ardor qui praecedere solet conjugium; sed si in aetate adultiore in illis perseverant cum aliter possunt intelligere, tunc trahunt naturam quae manet post mortem; tales in altera vita apparent longis et expansis super faciem comis, quas quoque pectunt, elegantiam in illis ponentes; nam `pectere comas' significat accommodare naturalia ut decora appareant, n. 5247; inde cognoscuntur ab aliis quales sunt; spiritus enim scire possunt ex coma, ejus colore, longitudine, diffusione, quales fuerant quoad vitam naturalem in mundo.

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