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属天的奥秘 第5571节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5571

5571. They who have believed nature to be everything, and have confirmed themselves in this, and therefore have led a careless life, not acknowledging any life after death, thus neither hell nor heaven, being merely natural, do not appear in the light of heaven to have any face, but in its place something bearded, hairy, unshorn; for as before said, the face represents spiritual and heavenly things inwardly in man, but hairiness natural things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5571

5571. There are spirits who have believed that natural forces accounted for everything and who were thoroughly convinced of this. They have also led a carefree life on the basis of this belief, without recognizing any life after death or thus the existence of hell and of heaven. Being wholly naturally-minded, when such spirits are seen in the light of heaven they do not seem to have a face at all but instead something bearded, very hairy, and uncut. For, as stated above, the face represents the spiritual and celestial endowments existing with a person interiorly, whereas the hair on the head represents natural ones.

Latin(1748-1756) 5571

5571. Qui crediderunt quod natura esset omne, et in hoc se confirmarunt, et quoque inde vitam securam egerunt, non agnoscentes aliquam vitam post mortem, ita nec infernum nec caelum, tales quia pure naturales, cum apparent in luce caeli, {1}non illis apparet aliqua facies sed loco ejus barbatum, capillare, intonsum; nam, ut supra dictum, facies repraesentat spiritualia et caelestia interius apud hominem, capillitium autem naturalia. @1 i tunc$

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