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属天的奥秘 第5572节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5572

5572. There are very many at this day in the Christian world who ascribe all things to nature, and scarcely anything to the Divine; but there are more of these in one nation than in another. I may therefore relate a conversation I had with some from that nation in which there are very many such.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5572

5572. At the present day there are very many people in the Christian world who attribute everything to natural forces and scarcely anything to the Divine. But more of these people exist in one nation than in another. Let me therefore record a conversation I had with certain members of that nation in which there are very many who think like that.

Latin(1748-1756) 5572

5572. Sunt perplures hodie in Christiano orbe qui naturae omnia adscribunt et vix aliquid Divino; sed inter illos sunt plures in una gente quam in altera; licet itaque memorare commercium sermonis quod cum aliquibus ex illa gente, in qua perplures tales sunt, habui.

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