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属天的奥秘 第5615节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5615

5615. Verses 11-14. And their father Israel said unto them, If therefore this be so, do this; take of the song of the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little resin and a little honey, wax and stacte, terebinth* nuts and almonds; and take double silver in your hand; and the silver that was returned in the mouth of your bags carry back in your hand; peradventure it was an error; and take your brother, and arise, and return unto the man; and God Shaddai give you mercies before the man, and send you your other brother and Benjamin. And I, as I have been bereaved I shall be bereaved. "And their father Israel said unto them," signifies perception from spiritual good; "If therefore this be so, do this," signifies if it cannot be done otherwise, so let it be done; "take of the song of the land in your vessels," signifies the choice things of the church in the truths of faith; "and carry down the man a present," signifies to obtain favor; "a little resin and a little honey," signifies the truths of good of the exterior natural, and its delight; "wax and stacte," signifies the truths of good of the interior natural; "terebinth* nuts and almonds," signifies goods of life corresponding to these truths; "and take double silver in your hands," signifies truth received in the abilities; "and the silver that was returned in the mouth of your bags carry back in your hand," signifies that by truth gratuitously given in the exterior natural they were to submit themselves as far as possible; "peradventure it was an error," signifies lest he be adverse; "and take your brother," signifies that thus they would have the good of faith; "and arise, and return unto the man," signifies life from spiritual truth; "and God Shaddai," signifies consolation after hardships; "give you mercies before the man," signifies may spiritual truth receive you graciously; "and send you your other brother," signifies may it give the good of faith; "and Benjamin," signifies and also interior truth; "and I, as I have been bereaved I shall be bereaved," signifies that the church, before these things are done, will be as if deprived of its truths. * pistachio

Elliott(1983-1999) 5615

5615. Verses 11-14 And Israel their father said to them, If this therefore has to be, do it. Take some of the much-sung-about producea of the land in your vessels, and cause a gift to go down to the man - a little resin and a little honey, wax and stacte, pistachio nuts and almonds. And take a double amount of silver in your hands. And the silver that was put back in the mouth of your pouches you are to take back in your hand; perhaps it was a mistake. And take your brother; and rise up, return to the man. And may God Shaddai grant you mercy before the man, and may he releaseb to you your other brother and Benjamin; and I, even as I have been bereaved, I shall be bereaved.

'And Israel their father said to them' means a perception received from spiritual good. 'If this therefore has to be, do it' means if it cannot be done in any other way, let it be done in that way. 'Take some of the much-sung-about Produce of the land in your vessels' means the choicer things of the Church among the truths of faith. 'And cause a gift to go down to the man' means to obtain favour. 'A little resin and a little honey' means the truths of exterior natural good, and the delight that goes with these. 'Wax and stacte' means the truths of interior natural good. 'Pistachio nuts and almonds' means forms of the good of life that agree with those truths. 'And take a double amount of silver in your hands' means truth received by the powers. 'And the silver that was put back in the mouth of your pouches you are to take back in your hand' means that through the truth freely given and present in the exterior natural they were to make themselves submissive as far as was possible. 'Perhaps it was a mistake' means lest he becomes unfriendly. 'And take your brother' means that by that self-submission they would receive the good of faith. 'And rise up, return to the man' means the life received from spiritual truth. 'And may God Shaddai' means the comfort that follows hardships. 'Grant you mercy before the man' means so that spiritual truth may accept you favourably. 'And may he release to you your other brother' means so that it may grant the good of faith. 'And Benjamin' means so that interior truth may be granted also. 'And I, even as I have been bereaved, I shall be bereaved' means that before these things take place the Church must be so to speak deprived of its own truths.


a much-sung-about Produce translates the single Latin word decantatio, which Sw. uses to represent the Hebrew zimrath, a word meaning products celebrated and praised in song.
b lit. send

Latin(1748-1756) 5615

5615. Vers. 11-14. Et dixit ad illos Israel pater illorum, Si ita {1}ergo hoc facite, (x)accipite (c)ex decantatione terrae in vasis vestris, et descendere facite viro munus, parum resinae, et parum mellis, ceram et stacten, nuces terebinthinas et amygdalas. Et argenti duplum accipite in manibus vestris, et argentum reductum in ore manticarum vestrarum reducatis in manu vestra, forte error hoc. Et fratrem vestrum accipite, et surgite, revertimini. Et Deus Shaddai det vobis misericordias coram viro, et mittat vobis fratrem vestrum alterum, et Benjaminem, et ego quemadmodum orbatus sum orbatus ero. `Et dixit ad illos Israel pater illorum' significat perceptionem ex bono spirituali: `Si ita ergo, {2} facite' significat si non aliter fieri possit, ita fiat: `accipite ex decantatione terrae in vasis vestris' significat eximiora Ecclesiae in veris fidei: `et descendere facite viro munus' significat ad obtinendam gratiam: `parum resinae et parum mellis' significat {3}vera boni naturalis exterioris et jucundum ejus: `ceram et stacten' significat vera boni naturalis interioris: `nuces terebinthinas et amygdalas' significat bona vitae illis veris correspondentia: `et argenti duplum accipite in manibus vestris' significat verum acceptum in potentiis: `et argentum reductum in ore manticarum vestrarum reducatis in manu vestra' significat quod per verum gratis datum in exteriore naturali submitterent se quantum possibile: `forte error hoc' significat ne adversus sit: `et fratrem vestrum accipite' significat quod sic illis bonum fidei: `et surgite, revertimini ad virum' significat vitam a vero spirituali: `et Deus Shaddai' significat consolationem post dura: `det vobis misericordias coram viro' significat ut verum spirituale gratiose vos accipiat: `et mittat vobis fratrem vestrum alterum' significat ut det bonum fidei: `et Benjaminem' significat utque verum interius {4}: `et ego quemadmodum orbatus sum, orbatus ero' significat quod Ecclesia, antequam illa fiunt, erit sicut privata suis veris. @1 A I ergo hoc; Heb apparently=si ita, ergo hoc facite,= If so, then do this$ @2 A I o hoc here and 5617; cp above $ @3 verum$ @4 i n. 5600$

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