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属天的奥秘 第5618节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5618

5618. Take of the song of the land in your vessels. That this signifies the choice things of the church in the truths of faith, is evident from the signification of the "song," as being the choice things (of which in what follows); and from the signification of the "land," as being the church (of which above, n. 5577); and from the signification of "vessels," as being the truths of faith (n. 3068, 3079, 3316, 3318). The word "song" is used because this word in the original tongue is derived from singing; hence the "song of the land" signifies productions hailed with songs and praises, consequently in the internal sense choice things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5618

5618. 'Take some of the much-sung-about produce of the land in your vessels' means the choicer things of the Church among the truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'the much-sung-about produce' as choice things, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'the land' as the Church, dealt with above in 5577; and from the meaning of 'vessels' as the truths of faith, dealt with in 3068, 3079, 3316, 3318. The expression 'the much-sung-about' (decantatio) is used because in the original language it is derived from a word meaning 'singing' (cantatio), and therefore 'the much-sung-about produce of the land' means products that are highly commended and praised; and that is why choicer things are meant in the internal sense.

Latin(1748-1756) 5618

5618. `Accipite ex decantatione terrae in vasis vestris': quod significet eximiora Ecclesiae in veris fidei, constat ex significatione `decantationis' quod sint eximia, de qua sequitur; ex significatione `terrae' quod sit Ecclesia, de qua supra n. 5577; et ex significatione `vasorum' quod sint vera fidei, de qua n. 3068, 3079, 3316, 3318. `Decantatio' dicitur quia vox illa in lingua originali derivatur a cantatione, inde `decantatio terrae' significat productiones decantatas et laudatas, proinde in sensu interno eximiora.

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