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属天的奥秘 第5624节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5624

5624. And the silver that was returned in the mouth of your bags carry back in your hand. That this signifies that by means of the truth given gratuitously in the exterior natural they were to submit themselves as far as possible, is evident from the signification of the "silver returned," as being truth given gratuitously (see n. 5530); from the signification of "in the mouth of their bags," as being in the threshold of the exterior natural (see n. 5497); and from the signification of "in the hand," as being in the ability (of which just above, see n. 5623), thus as far as possible. Their submitting themselves by means of this truth is signified by their "carrying it back;" for in the spiritual world to carry back truth to the Lord, from whom it has been received gratuitously, is to submit one's self by means of it. But the manner in which they submitted themselves by its means is plain from the conversation with the man who was over Joseph's house (verses 18-24).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5624

5624. 'And the silver that was put back in the mouth of your pouches you are to take back in your hand' means that through the truth freely given and present in the exterior natural they were to make themselves submissive as far as was possible. This is clear from the meaning of 'the silver that was put back' as truth freely given, dealt with in 5530; from the meaning of 'in the mouth of a sack' as in the opening of the exterior natural, dealt with in 5497; and from the meaning of 'in the hand' as within one's power, dealt with immediately above in 5623, thus as far as possible. Making themselves submissive through that truth is meant by the instruction that 'they were to put back' the silver; for when people in the spiritual world 'take back' truth to the Lord from whom they have received it freely they are making themselves submissive through it. But in what way they made themselves submissive through such truth is evident from the conversation, included in verses 18-24, which they had with the man who was over Joseph's house.

Latin(1748-1756) 5624

5624. `Et argentum reductum in ore manticarum vestrarum reducatis in manu vestra': quod significet quod per verum gratis datum in exteriore naturali submitterent se quantum possibile, constat ex significatione `argenti reducti' quod sit verum gratis datum, de qua n. 5530; ex significatione `in ore manticae' quod sit in limine naturalis exterioris, de qua n. 5497; et ex significatione `in manu' quod sit in potentia, de qua mox supra n. 5623, ita quantum possibile; quod se submitterent per id verum, significatur per quod `reducerent'; in spirituali enim mundo reducere verum ad Dominum a quo gratis id acceperunt, est se per illud submittere; {1}quomodo autem se per id submiserunt, patet ex loquela cum viro qui super domum Josephi {2}, vers. 18-24. @1 quod etiam se per id submiserint, patet a timore in quo fuerunt propter id, et $ @2 i ante ostium$

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