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属天的奥秘 第5625节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5625

5625. Peradventure it was an error. That this signifies lest he be adverse, is evident from the signification of an "error," as being what is adverse, for the error here meant is as if they had forgotten to pay the silver and so were taking it back, everyone in his own sack; for which reason he might possibly be adverse to them, as they also believed; for they were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's house, and said, "Upon the word of the silver that was returned in our bags in the beginning are we brought, to roll down upon us, and to throw himself upon us, and to take us for servants, and our asses" (verse 18). Moreover "sin" signifies disjunction and aversion (n. 5229, 5474); and so does "error" if there is sin in it, but in a less degree; wherefore it is said "lest he be adverse."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5625

5625. 'perhaps it was a mistake' means lest he becomes unfriendly. This is clear from the meaning of 'a mistake' as an unfriendly act, for an error of that kind is meant here. The mistake could have been that they had forgotten to hand over their silver and so had brought it back, each man's in his own sack; it could have been this that had caused the unfriendliness towards them. Indeed they themselves believed this to be so, for when in their fear they were brought to Joseph's house they said,

Over the matter of the silver put back in our pouches at the beginning are we brought to this place, so that he may come down on us and fall on us, and take us as slaves, and our asses. Verse 18.

Furthermore 'sin' means separation and an unfriendly turning away, 5229, 5474; so too does 'a mistake' if this entails some sin, though a minor one. This is why the expression 'lest he becomes unfriendly' is used.

Latin(1748-1756) 5625

5625. `Forte error hoc': quod significet ne adversus sit, constat a significatione `erroris' quod sit adversum, nam talis error hic intelligitur, sicut quod obliti argentum dare et sic reduxerint illud quisque in suo sacco, ob quam causam illis adversus posset esse, ut quoque crediderunt, timuerunt enim quod adducti domum Josephi, et dixerunt, Super verbum argenti reducti in manticis nostris in initio nos adducimur, ad devolvendum super nos, et ad conjiciendum se super nos et ad sumendum nos ad servos, et asinos nostros, vers. 18; praeterea peccatum significat disjunctionem et aversionem, n. 5229, 5474, ita `error' si ei peccatum inest, sed minorem, quapropter dicitur ne `adversus sit'.

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