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属天的奥秘 第5652节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5652

5652. And they came near to the man that was over Joseph's house. That this signifies the doctrinals of the church, is evident from the signification of the "man over Joseph's house," as being that which is of the external church (of which above, n. 5640), thus doctrine, for this is of the church. Moreover, by "man" is signified truth, and thus doctrine (n. 3134), and by a "house," the church (see n. 1795), and as "Joseph" is the internal (n. 5469), "Joseph's house" is the internal church. Doctrine from the Word is what is over this house, in being of service and in ministering.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5652

5652. 'And they came near the man who was over Joseph's house means the teachings of the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'the man over Joseph's house' as that which belongs to the external Church, dealt with above in 5640, thus religious teaching since this belongs to the Church. In addition 'the man' means truth, and so religious teaching, 3134, while 'the house' means the Church, 1795; and since 'Joseph' is the internal, 5469, 'Joseph's house' is the internal Church. Teaching drawn from the Word is what is set over that house, serving and ministering to it.

Latin(1748-1756) 5652

5652. `Et accesserunt ad virum qui super domo Josephi': quod significet doctrinalia Ecclesiae, constat ex significatione `viri super domo Josephi' quod sit id quod est Ecclesiae externae, de qua supra n. 5640, ita doctrinale, nam hoc est Ecclesiae; praeterea per `virum' significatur verum, ita doctrinale, n. 3134, et per `domum' Ecclesia, n. 1795; et quia `Josephus' est internum, n. 5469, `domus Josephi' est Ecclesia interna; doctrinale ex Verbo est quod super domo illa, inserviendo et {1}ministrando. @1 i ei$

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