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属天的奥秘 第5653节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5653

5653. And they spoke unto him at the door of the house. That this signifies taking counsel of them about introduction, is evident from the signification of "speaking to the man over Joseph's house," as being to take counsel of them, namely, of doctrinals; and from the signification of the "door of the house," as being introduction (see n. 2356, 2385), here from the natural or external man to the spiritual or internal, which is the subject treated of. As this is signified, it is not said in the original "at the door of the house," but "the door of the house."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5653

5653. 'And they spoke to him [at] the door of the house' means a consultation of these regarding the introduction. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking to him', to the man over Joseph's house, as a consultation of these - of these teachings of the Church; and from the meaning of 'the door of the house' as the introduction, dealt with in 2356, 2385, in this case the introduction of the natural or external man to the spiritual or internal man, which is the subject here. This being the meaning the original language does not say 'at the door of the house', only 'the door of the house'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5653

5653. `Et locuti ad illum ostio domus': quod significet consultationem ex illis de introductione, constat ex significatione `loqui ad illum' nempe ad virum super domo Josephi, quod sit consultatio ex illis, nempe ex doctrinalibus; et ex significatione `ostii domus' quod sit introductio, de qua n. 2356, 2385, hic a naturali seu externo homine ad spiritualem seu internum, de qua re agitur; (m)quia hoc significatur, in lingua originali non dicitur `ad ostium domus' sed `ostium domus'.(n)

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