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属天的奥秘 第5708节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5708

5708. Five measures. That this signifies much increased, is evident from the signification of "five," as being much (of which in what follows); and from the signification of "measures," as being states of truth from good (see n. 3104). As regards "five," it is a number that signifies a little, likewise some, and also much. Its signification depends upon its relation to the number of which it is a part (n. 5291): as a part of "ten" it involves the same as ten, but in a less degree, because it is half of the number ten; for as numbers formed by multiplication signify the like with their simple numbers (see n. 5291, 5335), so numbers produced by division signify the like as their multiples-for instance "five" the same as "ten" and as "twenty" and also as "one hundred" and "one thousand," and so on. (That "ten" denotes what is full may be seen above, n. 3107, 4638.) Five more measures were given to Benjamin than to the rest of his brethren because of the signification of the matter in the internal sense; ten measures could not have been given, for they would have been far too much. By traditions from the Most Ancient Church the ancients knew what some numbers signified, and therefore they made use of these numbers when anything occurred which they might serve to signify, as here the number "five;" and in other cases they applied several other numbers, as "three" to signify what is full from beginning to end; "seven" to signify what is holy; "twelve" to signify all things in their complex.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5708

5708. 'Five measures more' means that it was much increased. This is clear from the meaning of 'five' as much, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'measures' as states of truth received from good, dealt with in 3104. As regards 'five', this is a number which can mean little, or else something, or even much. Whatever its specific meaning, this stems from its relationship with the number of which it is a factor, 5291. When it is a factor of ten, much the same as ten, but in a smaller degree, is implied, five being half the number ten. For just as compound numbers have a similar meaning to the simple ones of which they are the product, 5291, 5335, so do divisors have a similar meaning to the compound numbers they divide, as with the relationship of five to ten, also to twenty, as well as to a hundred, a thousand, and so on. 'Ten' means what is full and complete, see 3107, 4638. 'Five measures more' were given to Benjamin than to the rest of his brothers on account of what was meant by this in the spiritual sense. Ten measures could not be given because that amount would have been far too much. The ancients knew from what had been handed down to them from the Most Ancient Church the meanings that certain numbers carried; they therefore used those numbers whenever something cropped up, the meaning of which could be conveyed by those numbers, as is the case with five here. At other times they employed many other numbers, such as three to mean what was complete from start to finish, seven to mean what was holy, or twelve to mean all things in their entirety.

Latin(1748-1756) 5708

5708. `Quinque mensuris': quod significet quod multum auctum, constat ex significatione `quinque' quod sint multum, de qua sequitur; et ex significatione `mensurarum' quod sint status veri ex bono, de qua n. 3104. Quod `quinque' attinet, est numerus qui significat parum, tum aliquid, ut et multum; significatio ejus fluit ex relatione ad numerum a quo est, n. 5291; cum ex decem, tunc involvit simile cum decem sed in minore gradu, est enim dimidium numeri decem; nam sicut numeri multiplicati significant simile cum suis simplicibus, n. 5291, 5335, ita numeri divisi cum multiplicatis, {1}sicut quinque cum decem, et quoque cum viginti ut et cum centum ac cum mille et sic porro; quod `decem' sint plenum, videatur n. 3107, 4638; `quinque mensurae' datae sunt Benjamini prae reliquis ejus fratribus, ob significationem {2} rei in sensu interno; quia non (x)potuerunt dari decem mensurae, nam hae valde superfluerent; sciebant etiam antiqui per traditiones (c)ab Antiquissima Ecclesia, quid aliqui numeri significarent, quapropter illis numeris utebantur, cum tale quid, ad cujus significationem inserviebant, obveniret, sicut hic quinque {3}; et alioquin applicabant {4}plures alios numeros, sicut `tres' cum significaretur plenum a principio ad finem, `septem' cum sanctum, `duodecim' cum omnia in suo complexu. @1 simile ergo$ @2 i hujus$ @3 i ut multum prae reliquis significaretur$ @4 in genere numerus tres$

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