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属天的奥秘 第5722节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5722

5722. There are others who in the life of the body have been most filthy, their filthiness being such as to be unmentionable. By their presence and influx into the solid parts of the body they induce a weariness of life, and such torpor in the members and limbs that the man cannot rise from his bed. They are very stubborn, and do not desist through penalties, as do other devils. They appear beside the head, and as if lying there. When they are driven away, it is not done suddenly, but gently, and they are then by degrees rolled down toward lower places; and when they come into the deep, they are tormented there so severely that they cannot but desist from infesting others. Such is their delight in doing evil that nothing is more delightful to them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5722

5722. There are others who during their lifetime were utterly foul; that foulness was such that it must be passed over in silence here. By their presence and influx into the solid parts of the body they introduce a fatigued feeling of weariness with life and such sluggishness in one's members and limbs that one cannot get out of bed. They are most ungovernable; they are not deterred by punishments the way other devils are. They appear next to one's head, where they seem to be lying down. When they are driven away this is not achieved all of a sudden but slowly; they are rolled away gradually into the nether regions. When they reach a position deep down they suffer such great torment there that they are compelled to desist from plaguing others. So great is their delight in doing evil that nothing gives them greater delight.

Latin(1748-1756) 5722

5722. Sunt alii qui in vita corporis spurcissimi fuerunt; spurcities eorum talis est ut reticenda; illi per praesentiam suam et influxum in partes solidas corporis, inducunt taedium vitae, {1}et talem torporem membris et artubus ut se levare `homo' e lecto non possit. Contumacissimi sunt, {2]non {3}desistunt per poenas ut alii diaboli; apparent juxta caput et ibi sicut jacentes; cum abiguntur, non fit subito sed lente, et tunc per gradus versus inferiora devolvuntur; et cum in profundum {4}veniunt, ibi in tantum cruciantur ut non possint non desistere ab infestandis aliis. Tale est eorum jucundum malum faciendi ut nihil jucundius. @1 ut I $ @2 nec$ @3 after diaboli$ @4 venerunt$

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