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属天的奥秘 第5723节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5723

5723. There were spirits with me who induced so severe an oppression in the stomach that I seemed to myself scarcely able to live. The oppression was so great that with others it would have brought on a swoon. But they were removed, and then it at once ceased. I was told that such spirits are they who in the life of the body had been devoted to no pursuit, not even at home, but solely to pleasure, and besides had lived in foul idleness and sloth, and had not cared anything for others. Moreover they had despised the faith. In short, they had been animals, not men. The sphere of such produces numbness in the members and joints of the sick.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5723

5723. Spirits have been present with me who brought on a stomachache so bad that I felt I could scarcely live; it was such as would have caused other people to faint. But those spirits were removed and the ache immediately ceased. I was told that they were the kind of spirits who during their lifetime had had no interest in anything at all, not even in their own home, only in sensual pleasure. They had led disgracefully lazy and inactive lives, showing no concern whatsoever for others. They had also cast all belief aside with contempt. In short, they were simply animals, not human beings. Among people who are sick the sphere emanating from those spirits introduces sluggishness into their members and limbs.

Latin(1748-1756) 5723

5723. Fuerunt apud me spiritus qui gravedinem talem ventriculo induxerunt ut viderer mihi vix posse vivere; talis gravedo erat ut apud alios induxisset deliquium; sed remoti sunt, et tunc statim cessabat; dictum quod tales spiritus illi sint qui in vita corporis nullo studio, ne quidem domestico, dediti fuerint, sed solum voluptati et praeterea in foedo otio et inertia vixerunt, nec alios curaverunt quicquam; fidem etiam spreverunt; in summa, fuerunt animalia non homines; talium sphaera apud aegrotos torporem membris et artubus inducit.

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