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属天的奥秘 第5726节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5726

5726. As death is from no other source than sin, and sin is all that which is contrary to Divine order, therefore evil closes the very smallest and most invisible vessels, of which are composed the next larger ones, also invisible; for the vessels which are smallest of all and wholly invisible are continued from man's interiors. Hence comes the first and inmost obstruction, and hence the first and inmost vitiation into the blood. When this vitiation increases, it causes disease, and finally death. If, however, man had lived a life of good, his interiors would be open into heaven, and through heaven to the Lord; and so too would the very least and most invisible little vessels (the traces of the first threads may be called little vessels, on account of the correspondence). In consequence man would be without disease, and would merely decline to extreme old age, even until he became again a little child, but a wise one; and when the body could no longer minister to his internal man or spirit, he would pass without disease out of his earthly body into a body such as the angels have, thus out of the world directly into heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5726

5726. Since death is due entirely to sin, and sin consists in everything contrary to Divine order, evil therefore closes the tiniest and completely invisible blood vessels out of which the immediately larger, yet also invisible, vessels are constructed. For the tiniest and completely invisible vessels extend into a person's interiors. This is where the first and innermost obstruction develops and where the first and innermost impairment enters the blood. As this impairment grows it causes sickness, and at length death. But if it were the case that the person was leading a good life his interiors would lie open into heaven, and through heaven towards the Lord, and so too would his tiniest invisible vascula (the mere traces of first threads may by virtue of correspondence be called vascula). If this were so man would not know any sickness and would grow weak only as he approached extreme old age, until he became a young child again, but now a young child with wisdom. And when his body was no longer able to serve his internal man, which is his spirit, he would pass, without knowing any sickness, from his earthly body into a body such as angels possess, and so would pass from the world directly into heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 5726

5726. Quia mors non aliunde est quam ex peccato, et peccatum est omne id quod est contra ordinem Divinum, inde est quod malum claudat omnium minima et prorsus invisibilia vasa, a quibus proxime majora etiam invisibilia, {1}contexta sunt; vasa enim omnium minima et prorsus invisibilia continuantur interioribus hominis; inde prima et intima obstructio, et inde primum et intimum vitium in sanguinem; hoc vitium cum accrescit, causatur morbum, et tandem mortem. Si autem homo vixisset vitam boni, tunc interiora ejus aperta in caelum, et per caelum ad Dominum forent, ita quoque omnium minima et {2}invisibilia vascula (delineamenta primorum staminum licet vascula appellare, ob correspondentiam); inde homo absque morbo foret, et solum decresceret ad ultimum senium, usque dum fieret rursus infans, sed infans sapiens; et cum tunc corpus non amplius ministrare posset interno ejus homini, seu spiritui, transiret absque morbo e corpore suo terrestri in corpus quale habent angeli, ita e mundo immediate in caelum. @1 contenta I$ @2 i prorsus$

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