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属天的奥秘 第5725节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5725

5725. It has been granted me to learn by experience what an inundation or deluge is in the spiritual sense. Such an inundation is two-fold, one of cupidities, and the other of falsities. That which is of cupidities belongs to the will part, and is on the right side of the brain; but that which is of falsities belongs to the intellectual part, in which is the left side of the brain. When a man who has lived in good is remitted into his own, thus into the sphere of his own life, there then appears as it were an inundation; and when he is in this inundation he is indignant, angry, thinks restlessly, desires impetuously. This takes place in one way when the left side of the brain where there are falsities is inundated, and in another when the right side where evils are is inundated. But when the man is kept in the sphere of life which he had received from the Lord by regeneration, he is then entirely out of such an inundation, and is as it were in a serene and sunny, cheerful and happy state, thus far from indignation, anger, unrest, cupidities, and the like. This is the morning or springtime of spirits; the other is their evening or autumn. It was given me to perceive that I was outside this inundation, and this for quite a long time; while I saw that other spirits were in it. Afterward, however, I myself was immersed, and then I noticed the appearance of an inundation. In such an inundation are they who are in temptations. By it too I was instructed what the "flood" signifies in the Word-that the last posterity of the most ancient people, who were of the Lord's celestial church, were completely inundated with evils and falsities, and thus perished.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5725

5725. Experience has enabled me to learn what is implied in the spiritual sense by a deluge or flood. Understood in this spiritual sense a deluge is two-sided, being on the one hand a deluge of evil desires, on the other a deluge of falsities. The deluge of evil desires affects the will part of the mind and the right side of the brain, whereas that of falsities affects the understanding part, with which the left side of the brain is connected. When a person who has led a good life is taken back into his own selfhood, and so into the sphere that emanates from the life properly his own, it seems like a deluge. Caught in this deluge he is annoyed and angry, has unpeaceful thoughts and wildly evil desires. It is one thing when the left side of the brain, where falsities exist, is under deluge, another when the right, where evils reside, is under it.

[2] But when a person is kept within the sphere emanating from the life he has received through regeneration from the Lord he is completely outside such a deluge. He is so to speak in a calm and sunny, cheerful and happy place, and so is far removed from annoyance, anger, unpeacefulness, evil desires, and the like. The latter state is for spirits morning or spring, the former state their evening or autumn. I was led to perceive myself outside such a deluge; this lasted quite a long time, during which I saw other spirits caught in it. But after that I too become submerged in it, when I experienced what felt like a deluge. This is the kind in which people undergoing temptations are caught. From this I learned what is meant in the Word by the Flood, namely that the final descendants of the most ancient people who belonged to the Lord's celestial Church were completely submerged in evils and falsities, so that they perished.

Latin(1748-1756) 5725

5725. Ab experientia discere datum est quid inundatio seu diluvium in sensu spirituali; inundatio illa est duplex, una quae est cupiditatum, et altera quae est falsitatum; quae est cupiditatum, est partis voluntariae, et est dextrae partis cerebri, at quae est falsitatum, est partis intellectualis, {1}in qua est sinistra pars cerebri. Cum remittitur homo qui in bono vixerat, in proprium suum, ita in sphaeram suaemet vitae, tunc apparet quasi inundatio; cum in illa inundatione est, tunc indignatur, irascitur, cogitat irrequiete, cupit vehementer; aliter cum inundatur sinistra pars cerebri, ubi sunt falsa, et aliter cum dextra ubi {2}mala. Cum autem homo tenetur in sphaera vitae quam receperat a Domino {3}per regenerationem, tunc prorsus extra talem inundationem est, et est quasi in sereno et aprico, {4}et in laeto et felici, ita longe ab indignatione, ira, {5}irrequietudine, cupiditatibus et similibus; hoc est mane seu ver spirituum, illud est vespera seu autumnus eorum. Datum erat mihi percipere quod extra inundationem essem, et hoc satis diu, cum viderem quod alii spiritus essent in illa; postea autem ipse immersus fui, et tunc {6}appercepi similitudinem inundationis. In tali sunt qui in tentationibus. Inde quoque instructus sum quid diluvium in Verbo significat, quod nempe ultima posteritas antiquissimorum qui fuerunt ab Ecclesia caelesti Domini, prorsus inundati fuerint malis et falsis et sic perierint. @1 ad hanc pars sinistra cerebri pertinet, ad illam autem pars cerebri dextra$ @2 i sunt$ @3 cum regeneratus est$ @4 inque$ @5 inquietudinibus$ @6 percepi$

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