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属天的奥秘 第5739节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5739

5739. Verses 3-5. The morning grew light, and the men were sent away, they and their asses. They were gone out of the city, not yet far off, and Joseph said unto him that was over his house, Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore do ye return evil for good? Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and in which divining he divineth? Ye have done evil in so doing. "The morning grew light," signifies a state of enlightenment at that time; "and the men were sent away, they and their asses," signifies that the external natural man was removed somewhat with its truths and memory-knowledges; "they were gone out of the city, not yet far off," signifies the amount of removal; "and Joseph said unto him that was over his house," signifies perception and influx anew; "Up, follow after the men," signifies that it should now adjoin them to itself; "and when thou dost overtake them," signifies mediate adjunction; "say unto them, Wherefore do ye return evil for good?" signifies why is there a turning away; "is not this it in which my lord drinketh?" signifies that there was interior truth with them received from the celestial; "and in which divining he divineth?" signifies that the celestial knows hidden things from its Divine; "ye have done evil in so doing," signifies that it is contrary to Divine law to claim it to themselves.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5739

5739. Verses 3-5 Morning dawned, and the men were sent away, they and their asses. They went out of the city, not far distant. And Joseph said to the one who was over his house, Rise up, pursue the men and overtake them; and you are to say to them, Why are you repaying evil for good? Is not this what my lord drinks from; and does he not certainly practise divination in this? You have done evil in what you have done.

'Morning dawned' means a state of enlightenment at this point. 'And the men were sent away, they and their asses' means that the external natural man was to some extent removed, together with its truths and factual knowledge. 'They went out of the city, not far distant' means the extent of that removal. 'And Joseph said to the one who was over his house' means perception and influx received anew. 'Rise up, pursue the men' means that it ought now to link them to itself. 'And overtake them' means an indirect link with them. 'And you are to say to them, Why are you repaying evil for good?' means, Why the turning away? 'Is not this what my lord drinks from?' means that present with them there was interior truth received from the celestial. 'And does he not certainly practise divination in this?' means that the celestial knows, from the Divine that resides within it, things that lie concealed. 'You have done evil in what you have done' means that it is contrary to Divine law to claim that truth as their own.

Latin(1748-1756) 5739

5739. Vers. 3-5. Mane illuxit, et viri dimissi sunt, illi et asini illorum. Illi exiverunt urbe, non elongati, et Joseph dixit illi qui super domo sua, Surge, persequere post viros, et assecutus illos, et dicas ad illos, Quapropter retribuitis malum pro bono? Nonne id in quo bibit dominus meus; et is divinando divinat in hoc? male fecistis quod fecistis. `Mane illuxit' significat statum illustrationis tunc: `et viri dimissi sunt, illi et asini illorum' significat quod externus naturalis homo aliquantum remotus cum suis veris et scientificis: `illi exiverunt urbe, non elongati' significat remotionis quantum: `et Joseph dixit illi qui super domo sua' significat perceptionem et influxum e novo: `Surge, persequere post viros' significat quod oporteat nunc sibi adjungere: `et assecutus illos' significat adjunctionem mediatam: `et dicas ad illos, Quapropter retribuitis malum pro bono?' significat cur aversio: `nonne id {1}a quo bibit dominus meus' significat quod apud illos verum interius acceptum a caelesti: `et is divinando divinat in hoc?' significat quod caeleste occulta sciat a suo Divino: `male fecistis quod fecistis' significat quod contra legem Divinam sit vindicare id sibi. @1 thus A I here and 5747; cp above$

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