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属天的奥秘 第5759节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5759

5759. With whomsoever of thy servants it be found, let him die. That this signifies that he is damned who does so, is evident from the signification of "dying," as being to be damned; for spiritual death is nothing else than damnation. It is plain from what was said just above (n. 5758), that they who claim to themselves the truth and good which are of the Lord, cannot be in heaven, but are outside of it; and they who are outside of heaven are damned. But this law is one of judgment from truth; whereas when judgment is made at the same time from good, then they who do what is true and good, and from ignorance or simplicity attribute these to themselves, are not damned, but in the other life are set free by a method of vastation. Moreover everyone ought to do what is true and good as of himself, yet believing that it is from the Lord (n. 2882, 2883, 2891); and when he does so, then as he grows up and increases in intelligence and faith he puts off that fallacy, and at last acknowledges at heart that his every effort of doing good and thinking truth was and is from the Lord. Wherefore he that was sent by Joseph, though he indeed confirms, yet presently rejects, the judgment that he should die with whom the cup was found; for he says, "Now also according to your words so be it; he with whom it is found shall be to me a servant, and ye shall be blameless," words which convey a milder sentence. But it is otherwise with those who do so, not from ignorance and simplicity, but from principles which they have confirmed in their faith, and also in life. Yet because they do what is good, the Lord from mercy preserves in them something of ignorance and simplicity.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5759

5759. 'With whomever of your servants it is found, let him die' means that the one who does such a thing stands condemned. This is clear from the meaning of 'dying' as becoming damned, for spiritual death is nothing other than the state of damnation. The fact that those who lay claim to truth and good belonging to the Lord cannot be in heaven but are outside heaven is evident from what has been stated immediately above in 5758; and those who are outside heaven stand condemned. Such a law however is one of judgement based on truth. But when judgement is made on the basis of good as well as truth, those who do what is true and good, yet out of ignorance or simplicity attribute this to themselves, do not stand condemned. In the next life a method of vastation exists which is used to release them from this error. And quite apart from this [they do not stand condemned] because each person ought to do what is good and true seemingly of his own accord, while still believing that it comes from the Lord, see 2882, 2883, 2891. Acting in this way he casts aside that false notion as he matures and grows in intelligence and faith, until at length he acknowledges in his heart that his entire endeavour to do what is good and think what is true has had and continues to have its origin in the Lord. This also explains why the one sent by Joseph does indeed uphold the judgement, yet soon sets it aside. That is to say, he upholds but soon sets aside the judgement that the one with whom the cup was found should be put to death, for he says, implying a less severe sentence,

Now also, according to your words, so let it be: He with whom it is found will be my slave, and you will be blameless.

But the situation is different when people behave in the same way not out of ignorance or simplicity but because of tenets which they have reinforced with their beliefs and by their life. Yet even then, because they do what is good, the Lord in His mercy preserves with them some degree of ignorance and simplicity.

Latin(1748-1756) 5759

5759. `Cum quo invenitur e servis tuis, et moriatur': quod significet quod damnatus qui tale facit, constat ex significatione `mori' quod sit damnari, mors enim spiritualis non aliud est quam damnatio; quod illi qui vindicant sibi verum et bonum quod Domini, non possint esse in caelo, sed quod extra caelum, patet ab illis quae mox supra n. 5758 dicta sunt, et qui extra caelum, illi damnati sunt; at lex illa est judicii ex vero, {1}sed cum judicium simul fit ex bono, tunc illi qui verum et bonum faciunt et ex ignorantia aut simplicitate illa sibi tribuunt, non damnantur, sed in altera vita per modum vastationis liberantur, et praeterea quoniam unusquisque {2}debet verum et bonum facere sicut (c)a se, sed usque credere quod sit a Domino, videatur n. 2882, 2883, 2891; cum ita facit, tunc cum adolescit et intelligentia ac fide crescit, fallaciam illam exuit et tandem corde agnoscit quod omnis ejus conatus bonum faciendi et verum cogitandi, fuerit et sit a Domino; {3}quapropter etiam ille qui missus a Josepho {4}confirmat quidem id judicium, sed mox rejicit, nempe quod moriturus apud quem scyphus inveniretur, dicit enim `etiam nunc secundum verba vestra; ita id cum quo invenitur, erit mihi servus, et vos eritis insontes' per quae significatur mitior sententia. {5} Sed aliter se habet cum illis qui non ex ignorantia et simplicitate hoc faciunt, sed ex principiis quae fide et quoque vita confirmarunt; at usque, quia bonum faciunt, Dominus ex misericordia reservat apud hos aliquid ignorantiae et simplicitatis. @1 at$ @2 i enim$ @3 i inde patet quod non damnandi, qui bonum faciunt, et ex ignorantia aut simplicitate credunt, quod ex se faciunt$ @4 rejicit$ @5 A ends paragraph here but has a note: (qui persuaserunt id sibi): evidently a reminder to add a further passage in the final copy; it duly appears here.$

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