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属天的奥秘 第5765节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5765

5765. Verses 11, 12. And they hastened, and they made everyone his bag come down to the earth, and opened every man his bag. And he searched; he began at the eldest, and left off at the youngest; and the cup was found in Benjamin's bag. "And they hastened," signifies impatience; "and made everyone his bag come down to the earth," signifies that they brought what was in the natural down to things of sense; "and opened every man his bag," signifies that they might thus make the matter manifest to themselves; "and he searched," signifies investigation; "he began at the eldest, and left off at the youngest," signifies order; "and the cup was found in Benjamin's bag," signifies that interior truth from the celestial was with the intermediate.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5765

5765. Verses 11, 12 And they hurried and caused to come down, each one his pouch to the earth; and they opened, each one his pouch. And he searched; he began with the oldest and finished with the youngest. And the cup was found in Benjamin's pouch.

'And they hurried' means an unwillingness to wait. 'And caused to comedown, each one his pouch to the earth' means that they brought the contents of the natural down to the level of sensory impressions. 'And they opened, each one his pouch' means so that they might thereby make the matter clear to themselves. 'And he searched' means an investigation.' He began with the oldest and finished with the youngest' means order. 'And the cup was found in Benjamin's pouch' means that interior truth from the celestial existed with the intermediary.

Latin(1748-1756) 5765

5765. Vers. 11, 12. Et festinarunt, et descendere fecerunt quisque manticam suam terram, et aperuerunt quisque manticam suam. Et scrutatus est, in maximo incepit et in minimo absolvit, et inventus scyphus in mantica Benjaminis. `Et festinarunt' significat impatientiam: `et descendere fecerunt quisque manticam suam terram' significat quod adduxerint illa quae in naturali usque ad sensualia: `et aperuerunt quisque manticam suam' significat ut sic sibi rem manifestarent: `et scrutatus est' significat investigationem: `in maximo incepit et in minimo absolvit' significat ordinem: `et inventus scyphus in mantica Benjaminis' significat quod verum interius a caelesti apud medium.

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