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属天的奥秘 第5764节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5764

5764. And ye shall be blameless. That this signifies that the rest shall be at their own disposal, because not sharing in the fault, is evident from the signification of "blameless" in regard to a servant, as being to be at his own disposal; because not sharing in the fault, follows. It was of old a custom among the Gentiles, when anyone sinned, to make his companions also guilty of the offense, and even to punish a whole house for the crime of one in it. But such a law is derived from hell, where all the companions conspire together for evil. The societies there are so constituted that they act together as one against good, and thus they are kept consociated, though they are in deadly hatred one against another. They are in the union and friendship of robbers. Hence because companions in hell conspire together for evil, when they do evil they are all punished. But to do so in the world is wholly contrary to the Divine order; for in the world the good are consociated with the evil, because one does not know what the interiors of another are, and for the most part does not care. Wherefore the Divine law for men is that everyone shall pay the penalty of his own iniquity; as is written in Moses:

The fathers shall not die for the sons, neither shall the sons die for the fathers; everyone shall be slain in his own sin (Deut. 24:16);

and in Ezekiel:

The soul that hath sinned, it shall die, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him (Ezek. 18:20). From these passages it is plain how the case is with what the sons of Jacob said, "with whomsoever of thy servants it be found, let him die, and we also will be to my lord for servants." But he who was sent by Joseph changed this judgment, and said, "he with whom it is found shall be to me a servant, and ye shall be blameless;" in like manner further on where Judah says to Joseph, "Behold we are servants to my lord, both we and he also in whose hand the cup was found." And Joseph said, "Far be it from me to do this; the man in whose hand the cup was found, he shall be to me a servant; and ye, go ye up in peace to your father" (verses 16, 17).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5764

5764. 'And you will be innocent' means that each of the rest will be his own master since they are not involved in the blame. This is clear from the meaning of' him who is innocent', when compared to a slave, as one who is his own master since, it follows, he is not involved in the blame. Among gentiles in former times it was customary, when one person sinned, to consider his companions too to be blameworthy; indeed it was customary to punish an entire household for a crime committed by an individual member. But such a law is derived from hell, for in that place all companions band together, intent on evil. Indeed the communities there have been established in such a way that they act as a united whole against what is good; thus they are held in association with one another even though each individual harbours deadly hatred against another. Their unity and friendship are those of thieves. As a consequence, since companions in hell band together intent on evil, when they do perform evil all of them are punished. But to mete out that kind of punishment in the world as well is utterly contrary to Divine order, for in the world good people live in association with evil ones since one person does not know what another is like interiorly, and for most of the time is. not concerned to know. The Divine law for people in the world therefore is that each should pay for his own iniquity, referred to in Moses as follows,

Fathers shall not die because of sons, and sons shall not die because of fathers; they shall be put to death, each for his own sin. Deut 24:16.

And in Ezekiel,

The soul that has sinned shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, nor shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. Ezek 18:20.

From all this one may see the implication of the following: Jacob's sons said, 'With whomever of your servants it is found, let him die, and we also will be slaves to my lord'; but the one sent by Joseph amended that judgement, saying, 'He with whom it is found will be my slave, and you will be innocent'. Something similar occurs in what follows below, where Judah speaks to Joseph, in verses 16, 17, 'Behold, we are my lord's slaves, even ourselves, even he in whose hand the cup was found'. And Joseph said, 'Far be it from me to do this; the man in whose hand the cup was found, he will be my slave, and you, go up in peace to your father'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5764

5764. `Et vos eritis insontes': quod significet quod reliqui sui juris, quia non simul in culpa, constat ex significatione `insontes' relative ad servum quod sit sui juris esse, quia non simul in culpa, sequitur. Apud gentiles olim mos fuit culpae reos facere etiam socios cum unus peccaret, immo {1}etiam totam domum punire pro unius crimine ibi; sed talis lex (t)est derivata ab inferno, ibi enim socii omnes conspirant simul in malum; societates enim ibi ita institutae sunt ut simul unum agant contra bonum, ita tenentur consociati tametsi unusquisque contra alterum in internecino odio est; sunt in unione et amicitia latronum; inde quia in inferno socii conspirant simul in malum, cum malum faciunt, puniuntur omnes; sed ita quoque in mundo facere est prorsus contra ordinem Divinum, in mundo enim consociantur boni cum malis, quia unus alterius interiora non novit, et plerumque nec curat, quapropter lex Divina est pro hominibus ut quisque luat poenam suae iniquitatis; de qua apud Mosen, Non morientur patres propter filios, et filii non morientur propter patres; quisque in peccato suo occidentur, Deut. xxiv 16;

et apud Ezechielem, Anima quae peccavit, illa morietur, filius non portabit iniquitatem patris, nec pater portabit iniquitatem filii; justitia justi super illo erit, et impietas impii super illo erit, xviii 20. Ex his patet quomodo se habet cum hoc quod filii Jacobi dixerint `cum quo invenitur e servis tuis et (x)moriatur, et etiam nos erimus domino meo in servos; at qui missus a Josepho, mutavit id judicium et dixit `cum quo invenitur, erit servus meus, et vos eritis insontes', similiter in sequentibus ubi Jehudah dicit ad Josephum, `Ecce nos servi domino meo, etiam nos, etiam in cujus inventus scyphus manu: et dixit Joseph, Absit mihi a faciendo hoc, vir in cujus inventus scyphus manu, ille erit mihi servus, et vos ascendite in pace ad patrem vestrum, vers. 16, 17. @1 quoque$

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