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属天的奥秘 第5810节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5810

5810. And I will set mine eye upon him. That this signifies the influx then of truth from good, is evident from the signification of "setting the eye upon" anyone, as being to communicate the truth which is of faith. (That the "eye" corresponds to the intellectual sight, and to the truths of faith, may be seen, n. 4403-4421, 4523-4534.) And because "to set the eye upon" anyone is communication, it is also influx; for internal good, which Joseph represents, does not communicate except by influx with the truth represented by Benjamin, because this truth is below.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5810

5810. 'And I will set my eye on him' means a flowing in at this point of truth from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'setting one's eye on someone' as communicating the truth of faith. For 'the eye' corresponds to the sight of the understanding and to the truths of faith, see 4403-4421, 4523-4534; and since 'setting one's eye on someone means communication, a flowing in is meant too. Internal good, which 'Joseph' represents, does not communicate with the truth represented by 'Benjamin' except by means of a flowing in, because that truth is lower.

Latin(1748-1756) 5810

5810. `Et ponam oculum meum super illum': quod significet influxum tunc veri a bono, constat ex significatione `ponere oculum super aliquem' quod sit communicare verum quod fidei; quod `oculus' correspondeat visui intellectuali et veris fidei, videatur n. 4403-4421, 4523-4534; et quia ponere oculum super aliquem est communicatio, etiam est influxus; bonum internum enim quod `Josephus' repraesentat, cum vero quod `Benjamin', non communicat aliter quam per influxum, nam verum hoc inferius est.

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