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属天的奥秘 第5809节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5809

5809. Make him come down unto me. That this signifies that the new truth must be in subjection to internal good, is evident from the signification of "making to come down," for to come to the internal in order to be conjoined, is to become subject to it, because everything which is below or exterior must be wholly subordinate or subject to the higher or interior, in order that there may be conjunction; and from the representation of Benjamin, who here is he whom they should make to come down, as being new truth (of which above, n. 5804, 5806); and from the representation of Joseph, who is he to whom he should come down, as being internal good, as shown before.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5809

5809. 'Cause him to come down to me means that this truth which is new must be made subject to internal good. This is clear from the meaning of 'causing to come down' as being made subject, for coming to the internal to be joined to it is being made subject to it since everything lower or exterior must be set beneath and made subject to what is higher or interior if a joining together is to be effected; from the representation of Benjamin, who is the one they were to cause to come down, as new truth, dealt with above in 5804, 5806; and from the representation of Joseph, who is the one he was to come down to, as internal good, dealt with previously.

Latin(1748-1756) 5809

5809. `Descendere facite illum ad me': quod significet quod verum illud quod novum, subjicietur bono interno, constat a significatione `descendere facere' quod sit subjici; nam {1}venire ad internum {2} ut conjungatur, est ei {3}subjici, omne enim quod inferius est seu exterius, prorsus subordinabitur et subjicietur superiori seu interiori, {4}ut conjunctio {5}existat; et a repraesentatione `Benjaminis' qui hic est `ille quem descendere facerent', quod sit verum novum, de qua supra n. 5804, 5806; et ex repraesentatione `Josephi' qui est `ille ad quem descenderet', quod sit bonum internum, de qua prius. @1 qui$ @2 i venit$ @3 subjicitur, nam omne$ @4 si$ @5 existet$

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