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属天的奥秘 第5912节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5912

5912. Thou, and thy sons, and thy sons' sons. That this signifies spiritual good and all things that are from it and that are from these, is evident from the representation of Israel, who here is "thou," as being spiritual good (of which above, n. 5906); from the signification of "his sons," as being the things that are from this good, which are truths in the natural, and are represented by his sons; and from the signification of "sons' sons," as being the things that are from these, namely, the truths again born and derived. For when good is in the first place, and has dominion, it continually produces truths. It multiplies them around itself and also around each truth, and makes each truth like a little star, in the center of which there is a bright light. Nor does good only multiply truths around itself, but it also produces truths from truths by derivations in succession, which are the "sons' sons," or grandsons; and so on. Joseph invites his brethren to him no otherwise than through his father, saying that he should come with his sons and with his sons' sons. The reason is, that there is no conjunction of the internal celestial with truths in the natural except through the intermediate.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5912

5912. 'You and your sons, and the sons of your sons' means spiritual good, and all derivatives from it, and further derivatives from these. This is clear from the representation of Israel, to whom 'you' refers here, as spiritual good, dealt with above in 5906; from the meaning of 'his sons' as derivatives from that good, that is, the truths in the natural which are represented by 'his sons'; and from the meaning of 'the sons of his sons' as derivatives from these, that is to say, further truths so born and derived. For when good occupies the first place and has dominion, it is constantly bringing forth truths. It then multiplies these around itself and also around each truth, making each truth like a star, the middle of which is shining brightly. But that good does not merely multiply the truths around itself; it also brings forth from those truths further truths by means of successive derivations, which are 'the sons of sons' or grandsons, and so on after them. Joseph did not invite his brothers to join him except through their father; for he said that his father was to come with his sons and sons' sons. The reason for this is that the joining of the internal celestial to the truths in the natural has no existence except through the intermediary.

Latin(1748-1756) 5912

5912. `Tu et filii tui, et filii filiorum tuorum': quod significet bonum spirituale, et omnia quae ab illo, et qua ab his, constat ex repraesentatione `Israelis' qui hic est `tu', quod sit bonum spirituale, de qua supra n. 5906; ex significatione `filiorum ejus' quod sint quae ab illo, et sunt vera in naturali quae repraesentantur per `filios ejus'; et ex significatione `filiorum filiorum ejus' quod sint quae ab his, nempe vera iterum nata et derivata; bonum enim cum primo loco est et dominium habet, producit vera {1}continue; multiplicat illa circum se et quoque circum unumquodvis verum, et facit unumquodvis verum sicut stellulam in cujus medio est luminosum; bonum nec modo multiplicat vera circum se, sed etiam producit a veris vera per derivationes successive, quae sunt `filii filiorum' seu nepotes, et sic porro. (m)Joseph fratres suos non aliter ad se invitat quam per patrem, dicendo quod is cum filiis et filiis filiorum veniret; causa est quia conjunctio caelestis interni cum veris in naturali non datur nisi quam per medium {2}.(n) @1 continuo I$ @2 i quod nunc est bonum spirituale, quod Israel$

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