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属天的奥秘 第5967节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5967

5967. Joseph is yet alive. That this signifies that the internal was not rejected, is evident from the representation of Joseph, as being internal good (see n. 5805, 5826, 5827, 5869, 5877); and from the signification of "being alive," as being as yet to be, thus not rejected. That "being alive" is not to be rejected, is because the internal which is represented by Joseph was at first rejected by the sons of Jacob, and because their father had then believed that he had perished by evils and falsities (n. 5828); thus now by "being alive" is signified that it is not so.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5967

5967. 'Joseph is still alive' means that the internal has not been cast away. This is clear from the representation of 'Joseph' as internal good, dealt with in 5805, 5826, 5827, 5869, 5877; and from the meaning of 'being alive' as still in being and so not cast away. The reason 'being alive' means not having been cast away is that the sons of Jacob had at first cast away the internal, which is represented by 'Joseph' and their father had believed that evils and falsities had destroyed him, 5828. Consequently 'being alive' at this point means that this was not true.

Latin(1748-1756) 5967

5967. `Adhuc Joseph vivit': quod significet quod internum non rejectum, constat a repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit bonum internum, de qua n. 5805, 5826, 5827, 5869, 5877; et ex significatione `vivere' quod sit adhuc esse, ita non rejectum; quod `vivere' sit non esse rejectum, est quia a filiis Jacobi internum quod per `Josephum' repraesentatur, primum rejectum fuit, et quia tunc pater eorum crediderat quod a malis et falsis perierit, n. 5828; inde nunc per `vivere' significatur quod non ita sit.

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