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属天的奥秘 第6028节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6028

6028. To show before him unto Goshen. That this signifies with respect to the midst in the natural, namely, that there was communication, is evident from the signification of "Goshen," as being the midst (that is, the inmost) in the natural (see n. 5910). By the midst or the inmost in the natural is signified the best therein, for what is best is in the midst, that is, in the center or inmost, and round about it on all sides are goods, arranged in the heavenly form, nearer and more remote according to the gradations of goodness from the best in the midst. Such is the arrangement in order of goods in the regenerate. But with the wicked the most evil things are in the midst, and goods are relegated to the extremes, where they are continually being pushed outside. This is the form with the wicked individually, and in the hells in general. Thus it is the infernal form. From what has been said about the best in the midst and about goods being arranged in order toward the sides, it is evident what is meant by the communication of the good of the church with the internal celestial, with respect to the midst in the natural.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6028

6028. 'To show [the way] before him to Goshen' means regarding the middle of the natural, that is to say, a communication regarding it. This is clear from the meaning of 'Goshen' as the middle, that is, the inmost part of the natural, dealt with in 5910. By the middle or inmost part of the natural is meant the best part there; for the best good exists in the middle, that is, in the centre or inmost part. Then surrounding it in every direction lie other grades of good, which follow a heavenly pattern and are positioned near to or further away from the best part in the middle in keeping with their degree of goodness. This is how different degrees of good are arranged into order with a regenerate person. But with the evil the grossest evils exist in the middle and all good is banished to the outermost parts, where it is constantly being pushed right outside. This pattern exists with evil persons in particular and in the hells in general, and is accordingly the hellish pattern. From what has now been said about the existence of the best part in the middle and other grades of good in order outside it one may see what is meant by a communication of the good of the Church with the internal celestial regarding the middle of the natural.

Latin(1748-1756) 6028

6028. `Ad monstrandum ante se Goshen': quod significet de medio in naturali, nempe quod communicatio, constat ex significatione `Goshenis' quod sit medium, {1}hoc est, intimum, in naturali, de qua n. 5910; per medium seu intimum in naturali significatur optimum ibi, nam optimum est in medio, hoc est, in centro seu intimo, circumcirca illud {2} ab omni plaga {3}sunt bona, disposita in forma caelesti propius et remotius secundum gradus bonitatis {4}ab optimo in medio; talis est ordinatio bonorum apud (x)regeneratos; at apud malos sunt pessima in medio et bona (t)ablegata sunt ad extrema ubi continue urgentur foras {5}; haec forma {6}est apud malos in particulari, et est in infernis in communi, ita est forma infernalis. Ex illis quae de optimo in medio et de bonis in ordine ad latera dicta sunt, constare potest quid intelligitur per communicationem boni Ecclesiae cum caelesti interno de medio in naturali. @1 seu$ @2 i in forma caelesti$ @3 succedunt$ @4 respective ad optimum$ @5 i ac inde pendent deorsum$ @6 i quae$

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