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属天的奥秘 第6136节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6136

6136. Wherefore should we die before thine eyes, both we and our ground? That this signifies that if they should be desolated there would no longer be spiritual life under the internal, is evident from the signification of "before thine eyes," as being under the internal; for by Joseph, to whom these words were spoken, is represented the internal; from the signification of "both we and our ground," as being the receptacles of good and truth (as just above, n. 6135), thus the receptacles of spiritual life. These receptacles are said to "die" when there is not within anything of spiritual life; for by "dying" is signified desolation, that is, the privation of good and truth, which good and truth make spiritual life.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6136

6136. 'Why should we die before your eyes, both we and our ground?' means that if they have been made desolate, there is no longer any spiritual life beneath the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'before your eyes' as beneath the internal, for 'Joseph', to whom these words are addressed, represents the internal; and from the meaning of 'both we and our ground' as the receptacles of goodness and truth, as immediately above in 6135, and so the receptacles of spiritual life. Those receptacles are said 'to die' when they do not have any spiritual life at all within them; for 'to die' means desolation, that is, the deprivation of goodness and truth, the components of spiritual life.

Latin(1748-1756) 6136

6136. `Quare moriemur ad oculos tuos etiam nos etiam humus nostra?': quod significet si desolata fuerint, quod non amplius vita spiritualis sub interno, constat ex significatione `ad oculos tuos' quod sit sub interno; per `Josephum' enim ad quem haec dicta, repraesentatur internum; ex significatione `etiam nos etiam humus nostra' quod sint receptacula boni et veri, ut mox supra n. 6135, ita receptacula vitae spiritualis; receptacula illa dicuntur `mori' cum intus non aliquid vitae spiritualis; per `mori' enim significatur desolatio, hoc est, privatio boni et veri, quae, nempe bonum et verum, vitam spiritualem faciunt.

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