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属天的奥秘 第6167节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6167

6167. Only the ground of the priests, only theirs, was not Pharaoh's. This signifies capacities to receive good, which are immediately from the internal (as also above, n. 6148). What has now been said about the conjunction of the natural with the internal, and thus about its regeneration by means of repeated desolations and vivifications, must needs seem to the man of the church at this day as things unheard of. Nevertheless the case is really so, and is one of those things with which even simple spirits in the other life are well acquainted. Wherefore when the Word is being read by a man, they who are in the other life, being in the internal sense of the Word, not only perceive all these things, but see besides innumerable arcana therein, and such as cannot be expressed by any human speech. Those which have been adduced are comparatively only few.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6167

6167. 'Only the ground of the priests, theirs alone, did not belong to Pharaoh' means that every capacity to receive good came directly from the internal, as also previously, in 6148.

These matters which have now been stated regarding the joining of the natural to the internal, and so regarding the regeneration of the natural, effected through means that involve repeated phases of desolation and bestowal of life, will inevitably strike the member of the Church at the present day as things unheard of before. Even so, this is the truth of the matter and is something quite well known even by simple spirits in the next life. This being so, when a person reads the Word, those in the next life - being ones who understand the internal sense of the Word - not only have a perception of all those matters but in addition see countless arcana within them, arcana such as no human language can describe. In comparison with them the matters that have been introduced here are a mere few.

Latin(1748-1756) 6167

6167. `Solum humus sacerdotum tantum illorum non fuit Pharaoni': quod significet facultates recipiendi bonum quod illae immediate ab interno, ut quoque prius n. 6148. Haec quae nunc de conjunctione naturalis cum interno, ac ita de regeneratione ejus per media quae sunt iteratae desolationes et vivificationes, dicta sunt, non possunt non obvenire homini Ecclesiae hodie quam sicut non prius audita; sed usque ita se res habet, et est inter res notiores spiritibus etiam simplicibus in altera vita; quapropter cum legitur Verbum ab homine, illi qui in altera vita sunt, quia in sensu interno Verbi sunt, non modo percipiunt omnia sed insuper innumerabilia arcana inibi vident, et talia quae non exprimi possunt ulla loquela humana; haec quae allata, modo pauca sunt respective.

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