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属天的奥秘 第6227节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6227

6227. Verses 3-7. And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Shaddai appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me. And He said unto me, Behold I will make thee fruitful, and will cause thee to be multiplied, and will make of thee a company of peoples; and I will give this land to thy seed after thee for an eternal possession. And now thy two sons who were born to thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, they are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. And thy generation which thou begettest after them shall be thine; upon the name of their brethren they shall be called in their inheritance. And I, in my coming from Paddan, Rachel died upon me in the land of Canaan, in the way, when there was still a tract of land to come unto Ephrath; and I buried her there in the way to Ephrath, the same is Bethlehem. "And Jacob said unto Joseph," signifies the communication of the truth of the natural with the internal; "God Shaddai appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan," signifies the Divine appearing in the natural in a former state; "and blessed me," signifies prediction about vivification; "and He said unto me, Behold I will make thee fruitful, and will cause thee to be multiplied" signifies vivification through the good of charity and the truth of faith; "and will make of thee a company of peoples," signifies increase indefinitely; "and I will give this land to thy seed after thee for an eternal possession," signifies the Lord's kingdom for those who are in that good and truth; "and now thy two sons, who were born to thee in the land of Egypt," signifies good and truth in the natural from the internal; "before I came unto thee into Egypt," signifies before the truth of the natural was in the memory-knowledges there; "they are mine," signifies that they are in me; "Ephraim and Manasseh," signifies the intellectual and the will of the church; "as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine," signifies that they shall be truth and the good of truth; "and thy generation which thou begettest after them," signifies interior truths and goods, which are afterward; "shall be thine," signifies that they shall be in the rational which is from the internal; "upon the name of their brethren they shall be called in their inheritance," signifies that they would be of the quality of the truths and goods of the church, and together among them; "and I, in my coming from Paddan," signifies from a state of knowledges; "Rachel died upon me in the land of Canaan," signifies the end of the former affection of interior truth; "in the way, when there was still a tract of land," signifies what is intermediate; "to come unto Ephrath," signifies the spiritual of the celestial in the former state; "and I buried her there in the way to Ephrath," signifies the rejection of that state; "the same is Bethlehem," signifies in its place a state of new affection of truth and good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6227

6227. Verses 3-7 And Jacob said to Joseph, God Shaddai showed Himself to me in Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me. And He said to me, Behold, I am making you fruitful and will cause you to be multiplied, and I will make you into a congregation of peoples, and I will give this land to your seed after you as an everlasting possession. And now your two sons born to you in the land of Egypt, prior to my coming to you, to Egypt, they are mine, Ephraim and Manasseh; as Reuben and Simeon will they be mine. And your offspringa that you beget after them will be yours; they will be called by the name of their brothers in their inheritance. And as for me, when I was coming from Paddan, Rachel died on me in the land of Canaan on the road when there was still a stretch of land to go to Ephrath; and I buried her there on the road to Ephrath, that is, Bethlehem.

'And Jacob said to Joseph' means a communication of the truth of the natural with the internal. 'God Shaddai showed Himself to me in Luz in the land of Canaan' means the Divine appearing within the natural in a previous state. 'And blessed me' means a foretelling about a bestowal of life. 'And he said to me, Behold, I am making you fruitful and will cause you to be multiplied' means a bestowal of life through the good of charity and the truth of faith. 'And I will make you into a congregation of peoples' means an increase without limit. 'And I will give [this] land to [your] seed after you as an everlasting possession' means the Lord's kingdom belonging to those who have that goodness and truth within them. 'And now your two sons born to you in the land of Egypt' means goodness and truth within the natural that come from the internal. 'Prior to my coming to you, to Egypt' means before the truth of the natural existed within factual knowledge there. 'They are mine' means that they are within me. 'Ephraim and Manasseh' means the Church's understanding and will. 'As Reuben and Simeon will they be mine' means that they will be truth and the good of truth. 'And your offspring that you beget after them' means interior truths and forms of good which are begotten later on. 'Will be yours' means that they will be in the rational which is within the internal. 'They will be called by the name of their brothers in their inheritance' means that they will be of the same essential nature as that of the Church's truths and forms of good, and will exist together among them. 'And as for me, when I was coming from Paddan' means from a state of cognitions. 'Rachel died on me in the land of Canaan' means the end of a former affection for interior truth. 'On the road when there was still a stretch of land' means what comes in between. 'To go to Ephrath' means the spiritual of the celestial in a former state. 'And I buried her on the road to Ephrath' means a casting away of that state. 'That is, Bethlehem' means replacing this, a state in which there is a new affection for truth and good.


a lit. generation

Latin(1748-1756) 6227

6227. {1} Vers. 3-7. Et dixit Jacob ad Josephum, Deus Shaddai visus ad me in Luz in terra Canaan, et benedixit mihi. Et dixit ad me, Ecce Ego fructificans te, et multiplicari faciam te, et dabo te ad coetum populorum, et dabo terram hanc semini tuo post te possessionem aeternam. Et nunc duo filii tui nati tibi in terra Aegypti usque ad me venire ad te Aegyptum, mihi illi, Ephraim et Menasheh, sicut Reuben et Shimeon erunt mihi. Et generatio tua quam generas post illos, tibi erunt; super nomine fratrum suorum vocabuntur in hereditate sua. Et ego in veniendo me e Paddan, moriebatur super me Rachel in terra Canaan, in via in adhuc tractus terrae ad veniendum Ephratam, et sepelivi illam ibi in via Ephrath, ea Bethlehem. `Et dixit Jacob ad Josephum' significat communicationem veri naturalis cum interno: `Deus Shaddai visus ad me in Luz in terra Canaan' significat Divinum apparens in naturali in statu priore: `et benedixit mihi' significat praedictionem de vivificatione: `et dixit ad me, Ecce Ego fructificans te, `et multiplicari faciam te' significat vivificationem per bonum charitatis et verum fidei: `et dabo te ad coetum populorum' significat incrementum in indefinitum: `et dabo terram {2}hanc semini tuo post te possessionem aeternam' significat regnum Domini illis qui in bono et vero illo: et nunc duo filii tui nati tibi in terra Aegypti' significat bonum et verum in naturali ab interno: `usque ad me venire ad te Aegyptum' significat antequam verum naturalis in scientificis ibi esset: `mihi illi' significat quod in me: `Ephraim et Menasheh' significat Ecclesiae intellectuale et voluntarium: `sicut Reuben et Shimeon erunt mihi' significat quod erunt verum et bonum veri: `et generatio tua quam generas post illos' significat vera et bona interiora quae postea: `tibi erunt' significat quod in rationali quod (x)in interno: `super nomine fratrum suorum vocabuntur in hereditate sua' significat quod ex (x)quali verorum et bonorum Ecclesiae erunt, et una inter illa: `et ego in veniendo me e Paddan' significat ex cognitionum statu: `moriebatur super me Rachel in terra Canaan' significat finem prioris affectionis veri interioris: in via {3} adhuc tractus terrae' significat intermedium: `ad veniendum Ephratam' significat spirituale caelestis in statu priore: `et sepelivi illam {4} in via Ephrath' significat rejectionem illius status: `ea Bethlehem' significat loco illius, status novae affectionis veri et boni. @1 Here and henceforward (except n. 6248) S omits rewriting the Word and summary exposition, but refers back to beginning of chapter. Thus A has here 6227, vers. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, videantur initio$ @2 A I here and 6233 semini, omitting hanc and tuo; see above$ @3 A I here and 6244 o in; see above$ @4 A I here and 62460 ibi; see above$

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