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属天的奥秘 第6283节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6283

6283. And let my name be called in them. That this signifies that in them should be the quality of the good of spiritual truth from the natural, is evident from the signification of the "name being called in" anyone, as being his quality in him (see n. 1754, 1896, 2009, 3421); and from the representation of Israel, as being the good of spiritual truth from the natural (of which above, n. 6277); and because the quality of Israel was in them, therefore they also were received among the rest of the sons of Jacob, and were made tribes, one of Manasseh and the other of Ephraim, and with them the twelve tribes were made up, when the tribe of Levi, being made the priesthood, was not numbered among the tribes that obtained inheritance by lot (see Joshua and also Ezekiel 48).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6283

6283. 'And in them will my name be called' means that in them the essential nature of the good of spiritual truth from the natural will be present. This is clear from the meaning of 'one's name being called in another' as the essential nature of one in the other, dealt with in 1754, 1896, 2009, 3421; and from the representation of 'Israel' as the good of spiritual truth from the natural, dealt with above in 6277. And since they had within them Israel's essential nature they were accepted among the rest of Jacob's sons and became tribes, one the tribe of Manasseh, the other the tribe of Ephraim. Along with the rest - though excluding the tribe of Levi because it became the priesthood - they made up the twelve tribes when inheritances were allotted to them, as described in Joshua and also Ezekiel 48.

Latin(1748-1756) 6283

6283. `Et vocabitur in illis nomen meum': quod significet quod in illis quale boni veri spiritualis e naturali, constat ex significatione `vocari nomen suum in aliquo' quod sit quale ejus in illo, de qua n. 1754, 1896, 2009, 3421; et ex repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sit bonum veri spiritualis e naturali, de qua supra n. 6277; et quia quale Israelis erat in illis, ideo etiam inter reliquos Jacobi filios recepti sunt et facti tribus, una Menashis et altera Ephraimi, et cum illis constituebant duodecim tribus quando tribus Levi quia sacerdotium facta, non numerata est, {1}quae hereditatem sortitae sunt, de qua apud Joshuam, et quoque apud Ezechielem xlviii. @1 ut cum Tribus$

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