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属天的奥秘 第6284节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6284

6284. And the name of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac. That this signifies, and the quality of internal good and truth, is evident from the signification of "name," as being the quality (see n. 6283); and from the representation of Abraham and Isaac, as being internal good and truth (of which above, n. 6276). Internal good and truth must be in external good and truth, in order for these to be good and truth. For, as was said above (n. 6275), the external is merely a formed something, of such a nature that the internal can be in it, and lead a life there according to the influx into itself from the Lord; neither also is the internal anything else relatively to the highest, which is the Lord, whence is all life; and the things beneath are merely forms recipient of life through the degrees in their order, down to the last, which is the body.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6284

6284. 'And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac' means, and the essential nature of internal goodness and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the name' as the essential nature, as immediately above in 6283; and from the representation of 'Abraham and Isaac' as internal goodness and truth, dealt with above in 6276. Internal goodness and truth must be present within external goodness and truth if the latter are to be goodness and truth. For as stated above in 6275, the external is merely something that provides an outward form in which the internal can exist and lead a life in accord with what flows into it from the Lord. And the internal too is merely something providing an outward form when considered in relation to what is supreme, namely the Lord. He is the Source of all life, and things below Him are forms that are merely receivers of life, ranged by degrees in order down to the last and lowest, which is the body.

Latin(1748-1756) 6284

6284. `Et nomen patrum meorum Abrahami et Jishaki': quod significet et quale boni et veri interni, constat a significatione `nominis' quod sit quale, ut mox supra n. 6283; et ex repraesentatione `Abrahami et Jishaki' quod sint bonum et verum internum, de qua supra n. 6276. Internum bonum et verum erunt in bono et vero externo, ut haec sint bonum et verum, nam {1}ut supra n. 6275 dictum est, non est externum nisi formatum quoddam, tale ut ibi internum possit esse, et secundum influxum in se a Domino ibi agere vitam {2}; {3}internum etiam nec aliud est respective ad supremum Quod est Dominus; inde omne vitae; et quae infra sunt, modo sunt formae recipientes vitae per gradus in suo ordine usque ad ultimum quod est corpus. @1 ut prius ostensum est, $ @2 i n. 6275 $ @3 nec Internum$

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