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属天的奥秘 第6306节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6306

6306. Which I took out of the hand of the Amorite. That this signifies by victory over evil, is evident from the representation of the Amorite, as being evil (see n. 1857); and from the signification of "taking out of the hand," as being to acquire through victory. As regards the Amorites, be it known that by them is signified evil, and also by the Canaanites; and by the rest of the nations in that land which are mentioned in the Word are signified various kinds of evil and also of falsity. Such things were represented by the nations when the sons of Israel came into possession of the land of Canaan, for the reason that, while the sons of Israel represented heavenly things, those nations represented infernal things, and in this way the land of Canaan represented every state of the other life; and because the nations represented infernal things, they were given to the curse, and it was forbidden to enter into a covenant with those which remained. [2] That the sons of Israel seized and inhabited the land of those who represented the hells was a representative that about the time of the Lord's coming the infernals would have occupied a large part of heaven; and that by coming into the world and making the Human in Himself Divine the Lord would expel them and cast them down into the hells, and thus deliver heaven from them, and give it for an inheritance to those who would be of His spiritual kingdom. [3] That by the Amorite nation was represented evil in general, is plain from the passages where it is mentioned, as in Ezekiel:

Jerusalem, thy tradings and thy generations were from the land of the Canaanite; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother a Hittite (Ezek. 16:3, 45);

as in the internal sense "father" signifies the good of the church, but in the opposite sense evil; and "mother" signifies the truth of the church, but in the opposite sense falsity, therefore it is said "thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother a Hittite." [4] And in Amos:

I destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was sturdy as the oak. I led you in the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite (Amos 2:9, 10);

here also the "Amorite" denotes evil, for the evil of the love of self is described by the "height of the cedars and the sturdiness of the oak." That the "Amorite" is evil in general, is because the whole land of Canaan was called "the land of the Amorite;" for it is said, "I led you in the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite." Again in the second book of Kings:

Manasseh king of Judah hath done evil above all the evil that the Amorites did, who were before him (2 Kings 21:11). [5] That "with my sword" signifies by means of truth combating, is evident from the signification of "sword," as being truth combating (see n. 2799, 4499). And that "with my bow" signifies by means of doctrine, is evident from the signification of "bow," as being doctrine (n. 2686, 2709). [6] That the words "the portion which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow" were spoken by Israel on account of the internal sense, is very manifest, because Jacob did not take that portion from the Amorite with his sword nor with his bow, but bought it of the sons of Hamor, as is plain from the words in Genesis:

Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came thither from Paddan-aram; and encamped before the city. And he bought the portion of the field, where he had spread his tent, from the hand of the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, for a hundred kesitah (Gen. 33:18, 19). That this field was the portion which he gave to Joseph, is evident from these words in Joshua:

The bones of Joseph, which the sons of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in the portion of the field which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for a hundred kesitah; and they were for an inheritance to the sons of Joseph (Josh. 24:32). From this it is plain that that portion was bought, and that it was what was given to Joseph. [7] That the city of Shechem was not meant, which was near there, where Simeon and Levi slew every male, and which they took with the sword (Gen. 34), may be seen from the fact that Jacob abhorred that deed, and on that account cursed Simeon and Levi, and utterly put away from himself that deed, saying:

Let not my soul come into their secret; in their assembly let not my glory be united; for in their anger they slew a man, and in their good pleasure they unstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it was vehement; and their wrath, for it was hard: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel" (Gen. 49:5-7). From all this it is now evident that these words, "one portion which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow," were said by him when he was in the prophetic spirit, for the sake of the internal sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6306

6306. 'Which I took out of the hand of the Amorite' means because of the victory over evil. This is clear from the representation of 'the Amorite' as evil, dealt with in 1857; and from the meaning of 'taking out of the hand' as acquiring through victory. As regards 'the Amorites', it should be recognized that they mean evil, just as 'the Canaanites' and all the other nations in the land that are mentioned in the Word mean various kinds of evil and also of falsity. Such things were represented by the nations when the children of Israel were taking possession of the land of Canaan. The reason for this was that whenever the children of Israel represented the things of heaven those nations represented the things of hell; thus the land of Canaan represented every state that exists in the next life. Also, because the nations represented the things of hell they were utterly destroyed; and entrance into any treaty with those who might remain was forbidden.

[2] The action of the children of Israel, of their taking possession of and dwelling in the land of those who represented the hells, was representative. It represented what happened around the time of the Lord's Coming, when spirits from hell had possession of a large part of heaven but He, by coming into the world and making the human within Himself Divine, cast them out of there and down into hell, and thereby delivered heaven from them, which He then gave as an inheritance to those who belonged to His spiritual kingdom.

[3] The representation of the Amorite nation as evil in general is evident from the places where it is referred to, as in Ezekiel, Thus said the Lord Jehovih to Jerusalem,a Your tradings and your births are of the land of the Canaanite. Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite. Ezek 16:3, 45.

'Father' in the internal sense means the Church's good, or in the contrary sense evil, and 'mother' means the Church's truth, or in the contrary sense falsity; and this is why it is said, 'Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite'.

[4] In Amos,

I destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and whose strength was like the oaks. I led you in the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite. Amos 2:9, 10.

Here also 'the Amorite' stands for evil, for the evil of self-love is described by 'the height of the cedars' and 'the strength of an oak'. The reason why 'the Amorite' means evil in general is that the entire land of Canaan was called 'the land of the Amorite'; for it says, 'I led you in the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite'. In addition the second Book of Kings says,

Manasseh king of Judah did what was evil, greater than all the evil which the Amorites did, who were before him. 2 Kings 21:11.

[5] 'With my sword' means through truth engaged in conflict. This is clear from the meaning of 'sword' as truth engaged in conflict, dealt with in 2799, 4499.

'And my bow' means received from doctrine. This is clear from the meaning of 'bow' as doctrine, dealt with in 2686, 2709.

[6] The words used here, 'the portion which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow' were, it is quite evident, uttered by Israel on account of the internal sense; for Jacob did not take that portion from the Amorite with sword or bow. He bought it from the sons of Hamor, as is evident from Genesis 33, where these words occur, Jacob came to Salem, the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, as he was coming from Paddan Aram; and he encamped towards the face of the city. And he bought the portion of the field where he had stretched his tent, from the hand of the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for a hundred kesitahs. Gen. 33:18, 19.

The fact that this field was the portion he gave to Joseph is clear in Joshua,

The bones of Joseph which the children of Israel caused to be brought up out of Egypt they buried in Shechem, in the part of the field which Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for a hundred kesitahs; and they had become an inheritance for the children of Joseph. Josh. 24:32.

From this it is evident that the portion had been bought, and that this is what was given to Joseph. Nor was the city of Shechem nearby meant, the city in which Simeon and Levi killed every male and which they took with the sword, Gen. 34. This is made clear by the fact that Jacob detested what they did and for that reason cursed Simeon and Levi, completely dissociating himself from the crime. He said,

Simeon and Levi are brothers; instruments of violence are their swords. Into their secret place let my soul not come; in their congregation let not my glory be united; for in their anger they killed a man, and in their pleasure they hamstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, and their wrath, for it was hard.b I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. Gen. 49:5-7.

From all this it may now be seen that the words 'the portion which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow' were uttered by him, when the spirit of prophecy rested on him, for the sake of the internal sense.


a The Latin means O Jerusalem but the Hebrew means to Jerusalem, which Sw. has in other places where he quotes this verse (and possibly in his rough draft here).
b i.e. cruel

Latin(1748-1756) 6306

6306. `Quam sumpsi e manu Emoraei': quod significet ex victoria super malum, constat ex repraesentatione `Emoraei' quod sit malum, de qua n. 1857; et ex significatione `sumere e manu' quod sit per victoriam sibi comparare. Quod `Emoraeos' attinet, sciendum quod per illos significetur malum, ut quoque per `Cananaeos', et per reliquas gentes in illa terra quae (t)nominantur in Verbo', significantur varia genera mali ut et falsi; {1}talia repraesentabant gentes {2}, cum filii Israelis in possessionem terrae Canaanis veniebant; causa erat ut cum {3}filii Israelis repraesentarent caelestia, gentes illae repraesentarent infernalia, et sic terra Canaan repraesentaret omnem statum alterius vitae; {4}et quia gentes repraesentabant infernalia, idcirco devotioni datae sunt, et {5} cum illis quae remanerent, vetitum erat foedus inire.

[2] Quod filii Israelis terram illorum qui repraesentabant inferna, occuparent et inhabitarent, erat repraesentativum quod infernales circa tempus Adventus Domini occupaverint multam partem caeli, at quod Dominus per quod in mundum venit et humanum in se Divinum fecit, expulerit illos inde ac dejecerit in inferna, (c)et ita caelum ab illis liberaverit, quod tunc in hereditatem dedit illis qui (c)e regno Suo spirituali essent.

[3] Quod per gentem Emoraeam repraesentatum sit malum in communi, patet ab illis locis ubi nominatur, ut apud Ezechielem,

Sic dixit Dominus Jehovih, Hierosolyma, negotiationes tuae et generationes tuae de terra Cananaei; pater tuus Emoraeus, et mater tua Hittaea, xvi 3, 45;

quia `pater' in sensu interno significat bonum Ecclesiae, at in opposito sensu malum, (c)ac `mater' (t)verum Ecclesiae, at in opposito sensu falsum, ideo dicitur `pater tuus Emoraeus et mater tua Hittaea':

[4] apud Amos,

Ego perdidi Emoraeum coram illis, cujus sicut altitudo cedrorum altitudo, et robustus ille sicut quercus:... duxi (x)vos in deserto,... ad possidendum terram Emoraei, ii 9, 10;

hic etiam `Emoraeus' pro malo, nam describitur malum amoris sui {6} per `altitudinem cedrorum et robur quercus'; quod `Emoraeus' sit malum in genere, est quia terra Cananaea tota dicta fuit terra Emoraei, nam dicitur `duxi vos in deserto ad possidendum terram Emoraei'. Praeterea in Libro 2 Regum, Menashe rex Jehudae,... malum fecit prae omni malo quod fecerunt Emoraei, qui ante eum, xxi 11.

[5] {7}`Gladio meo': quod significet per verum pugnans, constat a significatione `gladii' quod sit verum pugnans, de qua n. 2799, 4499. {7}`Et arcu meo': quod significet ex doctrina, constat ex significatione `arcus' quod sit doctrina, de qua n. (x)2686, 2709.

[6] Quod haec verba, nempe `portio quam sumpsi e manu Emoraei gladio meo et arcu meo', ab Israele dicta sint ob sensum internum, patet manifeste, quia Jacob portionem illam ab Emoraeo non sumpsit gladio nec arcu, sed emit a filiis Hamoris {8}, ut patet Gen. xxxiii, ubi haec verba, Venit Jacob Shalem, urbem Shechemi, quae in terra Canaan, in veniendo e Paddan-Aram; et castrametatus ad facies urbis: et emit portionem agri ubi tetendit tentorium suum, e manu filiorum Hamoris patris Shechemi, centum kesithis, vers. 18, 19; quod hic ager fuerit portio quam dedit Josepho, constat apud Joshuam,

Ossa Josephi, quae ascendere fecerunt filii Israelis ex Aegypto, sepeliverunt in Shechemo, in parte agri quam emit Jacobus a filius Hamoris, patris Shechemi, centum kesithis; et facta fuerunt filiis Josephi in hereditatem, xxiv 32;

inde patet quod portio illa empta fuerit, et quod illa sit quae data Josepho.

[7] Quod non intellecta sit urbs Shechemi quae ibi prope, ubi Shimeon et Levi occiderunt omnem masculum, et quam gladio ceperunt, Gen. xxxiv, constare potest ex eo quod Jacob detestatus sit illud factum, et propterea maledixerit Shimeoni et Levi, et a se id facinus prorsus removerit, dicendo Schimeon et Levi fratres, instrumenta violentiae machaerae eorum, in secretum eorum ne veniat anima mea, in congregatione eorum ne uniatur gloria mea, quia in ira sua occiderunt virum, et in beneplacito {9}suo enervarunt bovem: maledicta ira eorum quia vehemens, et excandescentia eorum quia dura: dividam eos in Jacobo, et dispergam eos in Israele, cap. seq. xlix 5-7. Inde nunc constare potest quod illa verba, nempe `portio quam sumpsi e manu Emoraei gladio meo et arcu meo' dicta ab illo sint cum in spiritu prophetico esset, propter sensum internum.

@1 haec$ @2 i ibi$ @3 hi$ @4 quapropter$ @5 i vetitum$ @6 i ejus$

@7 In A this begins a new numbered 6305, and 2 lines lower et arcu meo begins another numbered 6306.$

@8 i Chivaei$ @9 eorum$

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