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属天的奥秘 第6386节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6386

6386. And his side shall be toward Zidon. That this signifies extension on one side to the knowledges of good and truth, is evident from the signification of "side," as being extension on one side; and from the signification of "Zidon," as being exterior knowledges of good and truth (n. 1201). Here, where Zebulun is treated of, mention is made of knowledges, of doctrinal things, and of memory-knowledges, and it is said that there is extension on one side to the knowledges of good and truth, and also that there is conclusion of truth from memory-knowledges where there are doctrinal things from the Word; therefore it is necessary to say what is the distinction between these terms. Doctrinal things are those which are from the Word; knowledges are those which are from doctrinal things on the one side and from memory-knowledges on the other; and memory-knowledges are those which belong to experience, either one's own or that of others.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6386

6386. 'And his side will be towards Sidon' means the extension on one side into cognitions of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'side' as the extension on one side; and from the meaning of 'Sidon' as exterior cognitions of good and truth, dealt with in 1201.

In this section dealing with Zebulun reference is made to cognitions, religious teachings, and factual knowledge And the phrases 'the extension on one side into cognitions of good and truth' and also 'truth inferred from known facts in which teachings drawn from the Word are present' are used, so let it be said what differences are being drawn here between these terms. Teachings consist in what is derived from the Word, cognitions in what is derived from those teachings on one side and factual knowledge on the other, while factual knowledge consists in what is derived from one's own and other people's experience.

Latin(1748-1756) 6386

6386. `Et latus ejus {1} ad Zidonem': quod significet extensionem ab una parte ad cognitiones boni et veri, constat ex significatione `lateris' quod sit extensio ab una parte; et ex significatione `Zidonis' quod sint cognitiones boni et veri exteriores, de qua n. 1201. Hic, ubi de Zebulone agitur, memorantur cognitiones, doctrinalia et scientifica, et dicitur quod extensio ab una parte sit ad cognitiones boni et veri, {2}tum quod conclusio veri ex scientificis sit ubi doctrinalia ex Verbo, ideo {3}dicendum quae distinctio hic sit inter illa; doctrinalia sunt quae ex Verbo, cognitiones sunt quae ex doctrinalibus illis ab una parte et a scientificis ab altera, scientifica autem sunt {4} quae sunt experientiae a se et ab aliis. @1 A I here o super; cp. 6382$ @2 et$ @3 sciendum$ @4 i illa$

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