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属天的奥秘 第6385节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6385

6385. And he shall be at a haven of ships. That this signifies where are doctrinal things from the Word, is evident from the signification of "haven," as being a residence (see just above, n. 6384), thus where they are; and from the signification of "ships," as being doctrinal things from the Word. That "ships" have this signification is because they pass through seas and rivers, and carry things useful for life; for by "seas" and "rivers" are signified knowledges and memory-knowledges; the useful things of life which they carry, are the doctrinal things and also the very truths from the Word which are signified by "ships," as is plain from the following passages:

The isles shall trust in Me, and the ships of Tarshish in the beginning, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them (Isa. 60:9);

"ships of Tarshish" denote doctrinal things and truths from the Word, wherefore it is said that they should "bring their sons, their silver and gold;" for by "sons" are signified those who are in truths; by "silver," the truth itself; and by "gold," good. Everyone can see that ships of Tarshish are not here meant, nor sons, silver, and gold. [2] In Ezekiel:

Thy borders are in the heart of the sea, thy architects have perfected thy beauty. They have built all thy planks of fir-trees from Senir; they have taken the cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for thee. Of the oaks of Bashan have they made thine oars; they have made thy beam of ivory; the daughter of a step from the Isles of Kittim. Of fine linen with broidered work from Egypt was thy sail, that it might be to thee for an ensign; blue and crimson from the isles of Elishah was thy covering. The inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were thy rowers: thy wise men, O Tyre, who were in thee, were thy pilots. The elders of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy caulkers; all the ships of the sea and their sailors were in thee, to trade thy trading (Ezek. 27:4-9);

this is said of Tyre, by which are signified the knowledges of good and truth (see n. 1201), which are described by what belongs to a ship, as "planks," "mast," "oars," "beam," "sail," a "covering," "rowers," "pilots," and "sailors." That all these are not to be understood according to the letter must be plain to everyone; but when the knowledges of truth and good, which are "Tyre," together with doctrinal things from the Word, are understood by "ships," then all things fit together beautifully. [3] In David:

O Jehovah, how manifold are Thy works! in wisdom hast Thou made them all. This sea great and wide in spaces; there go the ships; the whale which Thou hast formed to play therein (Ps. 104:24-26). Again:

Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of confession; and declare the works of Jehovah with rejoicing. They that go down to the sea in ships, that do work in many waters, these see the works of Jehovah and His wonders in the deep (Ps. 107:22-24); here also "ships" denote knowledges and doctrinal things; the "whale" denotes the generals of memory-knowledges (n. 42); and as "ships" are knowledges and doctrinal things, therefore it is said, "they that go down to the sea in ships see the works of Jehovah and His wonders in the deep;" for those see these things who are in the knowledges and doctrinal things from the Word. [4] In Revelation:

The second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood, whence the third part of the creatures that were in the sea, and had souls, died; and the third part of the ships was destroyed (Rev. 8:8, 9); the "great mountain burning with fire" denotes the love of self (n. 1691); the "sea," the natural where memory-knowledges are (n. 28); "blood," violence done to charity (n. 374, 1005); "creatures in the sea having souls," truths of memory-knowledge with goods; a "third part," something not yet complete (n. 2788); their "dying," that they had no spiritual life (n. 6119); hence "the third part of the ships being destroyed" denotes that the truths and goods of doctrinal things from the Word were falsified. From all this may be known what is signified by this prophecy. [5] But in the opposite sense "ships" signify the knowledges and doctrinal things of what is false and evil, as in Daniel:

At the time of the end shall the king of the south strive with him; therefore the king of the north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariot and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall come into the lands, and shall overflow and penetrate (Dan. 11:40);

the "king of the south" denotes truth from good; the "king of the north," falsities from evil; "chariots with horsemen and with ships," doctrinal things of falsity; the "lands," churches, of which it is predicted that falsities from evils in the time of the end should overflow and penetrate them. [6] In Revelation:

Every pilot, and everyone employed upon ships, and sailors, and all they who trade upon the sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of the burning of Babylon, saying, What city is like the great city? Woe, woe, the great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! (Rev. 18:17-19);

it is evident that "ships" here denote the knowledges and doctrinal things of falsity and evil, because "Babylon" denotes worship which outwardly appears holy, and inwardly is profane. Moreover no one can fail to see that by "ships" something else than ships is here meant. In Isaiah:

Thus saith Jehovah your Redeemer, the Holy one of Israel, For your sake I have sent to Babylon, that I may throw down all her bars, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships (Isa. 43:14);

where the meaning is similar. Moreover falsities from evil are signified by "ships" in Isa. 2:11, 16; 23:1, 14; and in Ps. 48:7.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6385

6385. 'And he will be at the haven of ships' means in which teachings drawn from the Word are present. This is clear from the meaning of 'the haven' as the resting-place, as immediately above in 6384, thus the place where those teachings are present; and from the meaning of 'ships' as teachings drawn from the Word. The reason Why they are meant by 'ships' is that ships sail across seas and along rivers, carrying commodities used to support life. For 'seas' and 'rivers' mean different kinds of knowledge; the commodities used to support life which the ships carry are teachings as well as actual truths drawn from the Word. The fact that such teachings and truths are meant by 'ships' is evident from the following places: In Isaiah,

The islands will put their trust in Me, and the ships of Tarshish at their head, to bring your sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them. Isa 60:9.

'The ships of Tarshish' stands for teachings and truths drawn from the Word. This is why it says that they would bring their sons, their silver and gold; for 'sons' means those in possession of truths, 'silver' truth itself, and 'gold' good. Anyone can see that the ships of Tarshish are not really meant here, and that sons, silver, and gold are not really meant either.

[2] In Ezekiel,

In the heart of the sea are your borders, your architects have perfected your beauty. Of fir trees from Senir they built for you all the boards; they took a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you. Of oaks from Bashan they made oars; your plank they made of ivory, a daughter of stepsa from the isles of Kittim. Fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt was your sail, that it might be to you an ensign; violet and purple from the islands of Elishah was your covering. The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your rowers; your wise men, O Tyre, who were in you were your pilots. Elders of Gebal and its wisemen were in you, remedying your cracks. All the ships of the sea and their sailors were in you, to conduct your trade. Ezek 17:4-9.

This refers to Tyre, which means cognitions of good and truth, 1201. Those cognitions are described by means of the aspects of a ship - its boards, mast, oars, plank, sail, covering, rowers, pilots, and sailors. Who can fail to see that one must not take all these things literally? But when the cognitions of truth and good, which are 'Tyre', together with teachings drawn from the Word, are understood by 'ships', all things go beautifully together.

[3] In David,

How many are your works, O Jehovah! In wisdom You have made them all. This sea, great and wide on both handsb - there the ships sail, the sea monster whom you have formed to play in it. Ps 104:24-26.

In the same author,

Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of confession, and declare Jehovah's works in a triumphant shout. Those who go down to the sea with ships, doing work in many waters - these saw the works of Jehovah, and His marvels in the deep. Ps 107:21-24.

Here also 'ships' stands for cognitions and religious teachings, 'the sea monster' for the general sources of known facts, 42. And since 'ships' are cognitions and those teachings, the words 'those who go down to the sea with ships - these saw the works of Jehovah, and His marvels in the deep' are used; for those who know those cognitions and teachings drawn from the Word see those works and marvels.

[4] In John,

The second angel sounded, and so to speak a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea. And a third part of the sea became blood, with the result that a third part of creatures died who had their beingc in the sea. And a third part of the ships was destroyed. Rev 8:8, 9.

'A great mountain burning with fire' stands for self-love, 1691; 'the sea stands for the natural where factual knowledge resides, 28; 'blood' stands for violence done to charity, 374, 1005; 'the creatures who had their being in the sea' stands for truths contained in factual knowledge, together with forms of good; 'a third part' stands for something not yet complete, 2788 (end). They 'died' stands for the fact that they had no spiritual life, 6119, and therefore 'a third part of the ships was destroyed' stands for the fact that the truths and forms of good presented in teachings drawn from the Word were falsified. From all this one may see what is meant by this prophetic description.

[5] But in the contrary sense 'ships' means cognitions and teachings that present falsity and evil, as in Daniel,

At the time of the end the king of the south will clash with him; therefore the king of the north will rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he will enter into countries, and will overflow and penetrate. Dan 11:40.

'The king of the south' stands for truths that spring from good, 'the king of the north' for falsities that spring from evil, 'chariots with horsemen and with ships' for teachings that present falsity. 'Countries' stands for Churches, which - it is foretold - falsities springing from evils will overflow and penetrate 'at the time of the end'.

[6] In John,

Every shipmaster, and everyone on board ships, and sailors, and all who trade on the sea, stood at a distance and were crying out as they saw the smoke of Babylon's burning, saying, What [city] is like the great city? Woe, woe, the great city, in which all who have ships on the sea have been made rich by her wealth.d Rev 18:17-19.

Here it may be seen that 'ships' are cognitions and teachings that present falsity and evil because 'Babylon' describes worship which to outward appearance is holy but inwardly is profane. Once again no one can fail to see that 'ships' means something other than ships. The same is so in Isaiah,

Thus says Jehovah, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, For your sake I have sent to Babel, so that I may break down all the bars, and the Chaldeans in whose ships there is shouting Isa 43:14.

In addition to these places falsities springing from evil are also meant by 'ships' in Isaiah 2:16; 23:1, 14; Ps 48:7.


a a daughter of steps describes part of a ship, though exactly which part is not clear to the translator.
b lit. wide with spaces
c lit. their souls
d lit. preciousness

Latin(1748-1756) 6385

6385. `Et is ad portum navium': quod significet ubi doctrinalia ex Verbo, constat ex significatione `portus' quod sit statio, ut mox supra n. 6384, ita ubi illa; et ex significatione `navium' quod sint doctrinalia ex Verbo; quod `naves' illa significent, est quia per maria et fluvios transeunt et portant utilia vitae; per `maria' enim et fluvios significantur scientifica et cognitiones; utilia vitae quae portant, sunt doctrinalia ut et ipsa vera ex Verbo; quae quod per `naves' significentur, patet ab his locis: apud Esaiam, Mihi insulae confident, et naves Tarshish in principio, ad adducendum filios tuos e longinquo, argentum eorum et aurum eorum cum illis, lx 9;

`naves Tarshish' pro doctrinalibus et veris ex Verbo, quare dicitur quod `adducerent filios, argentum et aurum eorum', per `filios' enim significantur qui in veris, per `argentum' ipsum verum, et per `aurum' bonum; quisque videre potest quod ibi naves Tarshish non intelligantur, {1} nec quod filii, argentum et aurum: [2]apud Ezechielem, In corde maris termini tui, architecti tui perfecerunt pulchritudinem tuam: ex abietibus de Senire aedificarunt tibi omnes tabulas, cedrum de Libano sumpserunt ad faciendum malum pro te: e quercubus de Bashane fecerunt remos, asserem tuum fecerunt ex ebore, filiam gressus ex insulis Kittim; byssus in acupictura ex Aegypto fuit expansio tua, ut esset tibi in signum; hyacinthinum et purpura ex insulis Elishah fuit tegumentum tuum; habitatores Zidonis et Arvadi fuerunt remiges tibi; sapientes tui, Tyre, qui fuerunt in te, fuerunt naucleri tui; seniores Gebalis et sapientes ejus fuerint in te confirmantes fissuram tuam omnes naves maris, et nautae earum fuerunt in te, ad negotiandum negotiationem tuam, xxvii 4-9;

ibi de Tyro agitur, per quam significantur cognitiones boni et veri, n. 1201, quae cognitiones describuntur per talia quae sunt navis, nempe per tabulas, malum, remos, asserem, expansionem, tegumentum, remiges, naucleros, nautas; quod illa omnia non intelligenda sint secundum litteram, quis non videre potest? at cum cognitiones veri et boni quae sunt `Tyrus', {2} una cum doctrinalibus ex Verbo, per `naves' intelliguntur, tunc omnia se pulchre applicant: [3] apud Davidem, Quam multa sunt opera Tua, Jehovah, omnia in sapientia fecisti:... hoc mare magnum et latum spatiis, ibi naves (x)eunt, cetus quem formasti ad ludendum in eo, Ps. civ 24-26:

apud eundem, Sacrificent sacrificia confessionis, et annuntient opera Jehovae {3}in jubilo: qui descendunt in mare cum navibus, facientes opus in aquis multis, illi viderunt opera Jehovae, et mirabilia Ipsius in profundo, Ps. cvii 22-24;

ibi eliam `naves' pro cognitionibus et doctrinalibus, `cetus' pro communibus scientificorum, n. 42; et quia `naves' sunt cognitiones et doctrinalia, ideo dicitur `qui descendunt in mare cum navibus, illi viderunt opera Jehovae, et mirabilia Ipsius in profundo', {4}illa enim vident qui in cognitionibus et doctrinalibus ex Verbo: [4] apud Johannem, Secundus angelus clanxit, et quasi mons magnus igne ardens projectus est in mare; et facta est tertia pars maris sanguis; unde mortua est tertia pars creaturarum, quae in mari, habentium animas; et tertia pars navium corrupta est, Apoc. viii [8,] 9;

`mons magnus igne ardens' pro amore sui, n. 1691; `mare' pro naturali ubi scientifica {5}, n. 28; `sanguis' pro violentia illata charitati, n. 374, 1005; `creaturae in mari habentes animas' pro veris scientificis cum bonis; `tertia pars' pro aliquid {6} nondum completum, n. 2788 fin.; quod `mortua sint' pro quod non illis vita spiritualis, n. 6119; inde `tertia pars navium corrupta' pro quod vera et bona doctrinalium ex Verbo {7}falsificata sint; ex his sciri potest quid significatur per hoc propheticum. [5] Naves autem in opposito sensu significant cognitiones et doctrinalia falsi et mali; ut apud Danielem, In tempore finis collidetur cum eo rex meridiei, ideo quasi procella irruet in eum rex septentrionis cum curru, et cum equitibus, et cum navibus multis, et veniet in terras, et inundabit et penetrabit, xi 40;

`rex meridiei' pro veris ex bono, `rex septentrionis' pro falsis ex malo, `currus cum equitibus et cum navibus' pro doctrinalibus falsi; `terrae' pro Ecclesiis, quas quod `inundatura et penetratura' falsa ex malis in tempore finis, (x)praedicitur: [6] apud Johannem, Omnis gubernator, et omnis qui super navibus versatur, et nautae, et omnes qui in mari negotiantur, e longinquo steterunt, et clamabant, videntes fumum combustionis Babylonis, dicentes, Quae similis urbi magnae:... vae, vae, urbs magna, in qua divites facti sunt omnes, qui habent naves in mari, ex pretiositate ejus, Apoc. xviii 17-19;

quod hic `naves' sint cognitiones et doctrinalia falsi et mali, {8} constare potest, quoniam `Babylon' est cultus qui exterius apparet sanctus, et interius est profanus; quod etiam per `naves' aliud quam naves {9}ibi intelligatur, nemo non videre potest: apud Esaiam, Sic dicit Jehovah Redemptor (x)vester, Sanctus Israelis; Propter vos misi Babelem, ut dejiciam vectes omnes, et Chaldaeos, quorum in navibus clamor, xliii 14;

similiter. Praeterea etiam falsa ex malo per `naves' significantur apud Esaiam ii (x)16; xxiii 1, 14; Ps. xlviii 8 [A.V. 7]. @1 i sed quod alia per illas significentur$ @2 i ac eaedem$ @3 cum$ @4 est ex$ @5 i in communi$ @6 i et$ @7 falsificata before vera$ @8 i negotiator, gubernator et nautae, quod sint qui illa habent et ferunt$ @9 hic$

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