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属天的奥秘 第6415节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6415

6415. From what was said by Israel in this prophetic utterance about Dan, Gad, Asher, and Naphtali, it is very plain that there is an internal sense and that without this sense scarcely anything can be understood and known; such as that "Dan shall be a serpent upon the way, an arrow-snake upon the path, biting the horse's heels, and that his rider shall fall backward;" that "a troop shall ravage Gad, and he shall ravage the heel;" that "Asher's bread shall be fat, and he shall give the delights of a king;" and that "Naphtali is a hind let loose, giving discourses of elegance." Who without the key from the internal sense can know what these things mean? That they were not said of the sons of Jacob, nor of the tribes, may be seen from the fact that nothing of the kind here described befell them in the "end of days," when yet Israel says that he would tell them what should then befall them (verse 1); and as they were not said of them, it follows that they were said of such things as are represented by them, the nature of which has been unfolded above.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6415

6415. From the things stated by Israel in these prophetic utterances concerning Dan, Gad, Asher, and Naphtali the existence of an internal sense is plainly evident, as is the fact that without that sense one can scarcely understand anything or know what is really meant. How does one understand for example the statements 'Dan will be a serpent on the road, a darting serpent on the path, biting the horse's heels; and its rider will fall backwards', 'a troop will ravage Gad, and he will ravage the heel', 'fat will be Asher's bread, and he will yield a king's delights', or 'Naphtali is a hind let loose, making elegant utterances'? Who can know what these statements mean without the key provided by the internal sense? They are not really things said about the sons of Jacob, or about the tribes, as becomes clear from the fact that nothing like those things happened to them 'at the end of days', even though Israel says in verse 1 that he will tell them what is going to happen to them at that time. And since what he said was not really about them it follows that he spoke about things such as were represented by them. The nature of those things has been explained above in what has gone before.

Latin(1748-1756) 6415

6415. Ex illis quae in hoc prophetico de Dane, Gade, Ashere,et Naphtali, ab Israele dicta sunt, patet manifeste quod sensus internus sit, et quod absque {1}sensu interno vix aliquid intelligi queat (c)et sciri quid sit, sicut quod `Dan serpens super via, serpens jaculus super semita, mordens calcaneos equi, cadet eques ejus retrorsum': quod `turma depopulabitur Gadem, et is depopulabitur calcaneum': quod `Asheri pinguis erit panis, et is dabit delicias regis: et quod `Naphtali cerva dimissa, dans sermones elegantiae': quis illa {2}scire potest quid sint, absque clave ex sensu interno; quod non de {3}filiis Jacobi dicta sint, nec de tribubus, constare potest ex eo quod nihil tale illis contigerit in postremitate dierum; cum tamen `Israel dicit' quod indicaret quid (t)illis tunc continget, vers. 1; et quia non de illis, sequitur quod de talibus dicta sint, quae per illos repraesentantur; quae qualia sunt, in praecedentibus explicatum est. @1 illo sensu$ @2 nosse$ @3 illis$

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