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属天的奥秘 第6443节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6443

6443. And at even he shall divide the prey. That this signifies their possession in the Lord's kingdom when as yet they are in obscurity, is evident from the signification of "evening," as being what is obscure (see n. 3056, 3833); and from the signification of "dividing the prey," as being to give a possession in the heavenly kingdom; for by "prey" are signified those who have been rescued and delivered by the Lord; hence by "dividing the prey" is signified distribution, namely, among those who are in heaven, which is the same as their having a possession in the Lord's kingdom. This is said to be done "in the evening," because they who are being elevated into heaven are at first in obscurity; for they cannot come to clearness until they have been in heaven, and have been instructed with respect to truths by the Lord through the angels, into whose society they are sent; for there is need of time in order that the obscurity induced by falsities may be dissipated.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6443

6443. 'And at evening he will divide the plunder' means their possession in the Lord's kingdom, while they are still in obscurity. This is clear from the meaning of 'evening' as obscurity, dealt with in 3056, 3833, and from the meaning of 'dividing the plunder' as granting a possession in the heavenly kingdom. For 'the plunder' means those who have been rescued and delivered by the Lord, and therefore 'dividing the plunder means a distribution, a distribution made to them among those who are in heaven, which is the same as a possession granted them in the Lord's kingdom. The reason why this is said to happen 'in the evening' is that people raised into heaven are at first in obscurity, for they cannot enter clear light until they have come to be in heaven and have learned from the Lord about truths through the angels into whose community they are sent. For a period of time is needed for the purpose of dispelling the obscurity brought on by falsities.

Latin(1748-1756) 6443

6443. `Et ad vesperam dividet praedam': quod significet possessionem eorum in regno Domini dum adhuc sunt in obscuro, constat a significatione `vesperae' quod sit obscurum, de qua n. (x)3056, 3833; et ex significatione `dividere praedam' quod sit possessionem dare in regno caelesti; per `praedam' enim significantur illi qui erepti et liberati sunt a Domino, inde per `dividere praedam' significatur distributio {1}, nempe inter illos qui in caelo sunt, quod idem est cum possessione eorum in regno Domini. Quod dicatur hoc fieri `in vespera', est quia illi qui elevantur in caelum, primum in obscuro sunt, nam ad clarum non venire possunt priusquam in caelo fuerunt, et a Domino per angelos in quorum societatem mittuntur, instructi sunt de veris; spatio temporis enim opus est, ut obscurum a falsis inductum dissipetur. @1 i illorum$

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