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属天的奥秘 第6444节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6444

6444. These are the things signified by "Benjamin;" but without the internal sense, who can say what the things which are said of him involve, as that he is a "wolf," that he "shall seize in the morning," that he "shall devour the spoil, and at evening shall divide the prey?" These things would be altogether hidden unless revealed by the internal sense. Of this kind are very many things in the prophets, of which if viewed from the letter few are understood; but if viewed from the internal sense all are understood. From all this it may now be seen that by the "sons of Jacob," and by the "tribes" named from them, are signified such things as are of the Lord's church and kingdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6444

6444. These are the things that are meant by 'Benjamin'; but can anyone without the internal sense state what is implied by the things said about him - that he 'is a wolf', 'will seize in the morning', 'will devour the spoil', and 'at evening will divide the plunder'? The meaning of these details would lie completely hidden unless the internal sense revealed it. Very much of what is contained in the Prophets is like this; little of it is intelligible if considered literally, but all of it is intelligible if considered from the internal sense.

From all that has been said it may now be seen perfectly clearly that Jacob's sons and the tribes named after them mean the kinds of things that constitute the Lord's Church and kingdom.

Latin(1748-1756) 6444

6444. Haec sunt quae significantur per `Benjaminem'; sed quis dicere potest absque sensu interno quid involvunt (c)ea quae de illo dicuntur? sicut quod sit `lupus, quod rapiet in mane', quod `comedet spolium', et quod `ad vesperam dividet praedam'? haec prorsus abscondita forent nisi sensus internus revelaret; talia sunt permulta apud Prophetas, quae si spectantur ex littera, pauca intelliguntur, {1}sed si ex sensu interno omnia. Ex his nunc manifeste constare potest quod per `filios Jacobi' et per `tribus ab illis nominatas' significentur talia quae sunt Ecclesiae et regni Domini. @1 at$

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