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属天的奥秘 第6488节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6488

6488. There was discourse about predestination, and many of the spirits, from principles adopted in the world, were of the opinion that some have been predestined to heaven, and some to hell; but I heard an answer from heaven, that no one has ever been predestined to hell, but that all have been predestined to eternal life.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6488

6488. A discussion about predestination once took place and many of the spirits, owing to the chief ideas they had adopted in the world, were of the opinion that some people have been predestined to heaven and others to hell. But I heard a response to this from heaven, which was that no one has ever been predestined to hell, but that all have been predestined to eternal life.

Latin(1748-1756) 6488

6488. Sermo fuit de praedestinatione, et multi ex spiritibus ex principiis in mundo fuerunt in ea opinione quod quidam praedestinati sint ad caelum, et quidam ad infernum; sed responsum audivi e caelo quod nusquam aliquis praedestinatus sit ad infernum, sed quod omnes ad vitam aeternam.

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