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属天的奥秘 第6585节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6585

6585. Were born upon Joseph's knees. That this signifies that they were from good conjoined with truth from the internal, is evident from the signification of "bringing forth on the knees," as being the conjunction of good and truth (see n. 3915); and from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal (n. 6499). The sons of Machir being born upon Joseph's knees involves that Joseph acknowledged them as his own, for when it is so said, it is signified that they are adopted as his own, as may be seen from the sons born of Bilhah the maidservant of Rachel, concerning whom Rachel says:

Behold my handmaid Bilhah, come unto her, and she shall bear upon my knees, and I also shall be built up by her (Gen. 30:3). The reason why these sons were acknowledged by Joseph as his own, was that by Manasseh is represented the will of the church, thus its good; and the internal which is represented by Joseph flows in with good, but not with truth except through good; hence it is that these are said to be "born upon Joseph's knees."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6585

6585. 'Were born on Joseph's knees' means that they were from good joined to truth from the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'bearing on the knees' as goodness and truth joined together, dealt with in 3915; and from the representation of 'Joseph' as the internal, dealt with in 6499. The statement that the sons of Machir were born on Joseph's knees implies that Joseph recognized them as his own; for when that expression is used the meaning is that they are adopted as one's own, as may be seen from the sons born from Bilhah, Rachel's maidservant. Referring to those sons Rachel says,

Behold, my maidservant Bilhah; go [in] to her, and let her bear [a child] upon my knees, and I too shall be built up from her. Gen 30:3.

The reason why the sons were recognized by Joseph as his own is that 'Manasseh' represents the Church's area of will, thus its good; and the internal, which 'Joseph' represents, flows into it with good, but not with truth except through good. This is why they are spoken of as ones who 'were born on Joseph's knees'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6585

6585. `Nati super genubus Josephi': quod significet quod a bono conjuncto cum vero ab interno, constat ex significatione `parere super genubus' quod sit conjunctio boni et veri, de qua n. 3915; et ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, de qua n. 6499. Quod {1}filii Machir dicantur `nati super genubus Josephi', involvit quod Joseph agnoverit illos pro suis, nam cum ita dicitur, significatur quod adoptentur sicut proprii; ut constare potest ex filiis ex Bilhah famula Rachelis, de quibus Rachel dicit, Ecce famula mea Bilhah, veni ad illam, et pariat super genua mea, et aedificabor etiam ego ex illa, Gen. xxx 3. Quod illi filii a Josepho agniti sint {2} pro suis, est quia per `Menashen' repraesentatur {3} voluntarium Ecclesiae, ita bonum ejus; ac internum quod repraesentatur per `Josephum', influit cum bono, non autem cum vero nisi per bonum; inde est quod hi dicantur `nati super genubus Josephi' {4}. @1 hi filii$ @2 quasi$ @3 novum$ @4 i quod agnoverit$

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