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属天的奥秘 第6609节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6609

6609. The thoughts and speech of the societies within which was my thought, have been occasionally represented to me by clouds which ascended and descended in the azure. From the forms of the clouds, their colors, thinness, and density, it was given to know what was flowing in. Truths were represented by the azure color mingled with a beautiful brilliant white, the brilliancy of which cannot be described; appearances of truth were represented by a dull whiteness; and falsities by black clouds; and thus the influx of thoughts and affections could also be known from these appearances.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6609

6609. The thoughts and utterances within which my own thought has been present has been represented to me a number of times by means of clouds coming up and going down in the sky. The shapes, colours, and thinness or thickness of the clouds enabled me to recognize what was flowing in Truths were represented by blue mingled with a beautiful white, indescribably brilliant. Appearances of truth were represented by dull whiteness, and falsities by black clouds. From this too I could know of the inflow of thoughts and affections.

Latin(1748-1756) 6609

6609. Cogitationes et loquelae {1}societatum, intra quas erat mea cogitatio, aliquoties mihi repraesentata (x)sunt per nubes quae ascendebant et descendebant in caeruleo; ex nubium formis, coloribus, tenuitate et densitate, {2}cognoscere datum est quid influebat; veritates repraesentabantur per colorem caeruleum mixtum candido pulchro, candor non describi potest; apparentiae veri repraesentabantur per candorem obscurum, et falsitates per nubes nigras; inde quoque influxus cogitationum et affectionum sciri potuit. @1 quae intra societates ad quas extendebat$ @2 cognosci$

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