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属天的奥秘 第6612节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6612

6612. From all this it is also evident that the more exteriorly a man thinks, the less extension he has, and the more interiorly, the greater extension. For they who think exteriorly, that is, who are in what is sensuous, communicate only with grosser spirits; whereas they who think interiorly, that is, from the rational, have communication with angels; and the nature of this difference can be seen from the density of the sphere in which the sensuous spirits are, and from the purity of the sphere in which the angels of heaven are. This difference is like that between the extension of sound, and the extension of light; and how great this is, is known to those who are skilled in the things of nature.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6612

6612. From all this it is also evident that the more external a person's thinking is, the less distance it spreads; and the more internal it is, the greater distance it spreads. For people whose thought is more external, that is, takes place on a sensory level, are in contact solely with the more obtuse spirits; but those whose thought is more internal, that is, springs from a rational level, are in contact with angels. The nature of the difference can be recognized from the closeness of the atmosphere in which sensory-minded spirits live and the freshness of the atmosphere in which the angels of heaven live. The difference between the two is like the difference between the transmission of sound and the transmission of light, a difference that students of natural phenomena are well acquainted with.

Latin(1748-1756) 6612

6612. {1}Ex his etiam patet quod homo quo exterius cogitat, eo minorem extensionem habeat; et quo interius, eo majorem, nam qui exterius cogitant, hoc est, qui in sensuali, illi communicant solum cum spiritibus crassioribus; at qui interius, hoc est, ex rationali, illi communicationem habent cum angelis, quae qualis differentia, constare potest a densitate sphaerae in qua sunt spiritus sensuales, et ex puritate sphaerae in qua sunt angeli caeli; se habet differentia sicut differentia inter extensionem soni, et extensionem lucis, quae quanta sit, naturalium periti sciunt. @1 Inde nunc$

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