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属天的奥秘 第6614节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6614

6614. It has been shown by living experience how angelic ideas flow into the ideas of spirits who are beneath, and therefore in grosser ideas. An abundance of ideas from the angelic heaven was shown as a bright cloud divided into little masses; each little mass, which consisted of countless ideas, produced in a spirit one simple idea; and it was afterward shown that thousands and thousands of things were in it, which were also represented by a cloud before the eyes of spirits. I afterward spoke of these things with the spirits, showing that they may be illustrated by the objects of sight; for an object which appears simple, when seen through a magnifying glass, immediately presents to the sight a thousand things not before visible; as in the case of animalcules which appear as one obscure object, but when viewed in a microscope not only become many, but each is seen in its form; and if subjected to still higher power of sight, there are seen organs, members, viscera, and also vessels and fibers. Such also is the case with the ideas of thought, thousands and thousands of things being in each of them, although the many ideas together of which the thought is composed, appear only as a simple thing. Nevertheless there are more things in the ideas of thought of one person than in the ideas of another, the abundance of ideas in the thought being according to the extension into societies.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6614

6614. I have been shown by actual experience how angelic ideas flow into the ideas of the spirits who are beneath them, therefore into ideas that are grosser. An abundance of ideas from the angelic heaven presented themselves visually as a shining white cloud that could be distinguished into separate little tufts; and each little tuft, which consisted of countless strands, presented a spirit with one simple idea. After that I was shown that such an idea contained thousands and thousands of strands, which were also represented by means of a cloud composed of the spirits' speech. After this I spoke to the spirits on these matters, saying that the objects of sight can be used by way of illustration. When an object which looks like a simple whole is examined with an optical device thousands of unseen details present themselves to view, as when tiny grubs which look like one dark blob are examined with a microscope; not only the multiplicity of them is seen but also the shape of each one. If even greater magnification is used to examine them, their organs, members, viscera, and vessels and fibres too can be seen. So also with the ideas constituting thought. Each one has thousands and thousands of strands to it; yet a number of ideas together from which a thought is formed are seen merely as a simple whole. Even so, the ideas that constitute one thought can contain more than the ideas constituting another. How much it contains is determined by its spread into communities round about.

Latin(1748-1756) 6614

6614. Ostensum est per vivam experientiam quomodo ideae angelicae influunt in ideas spirituum qui infra sunt, ac ideo in crassioribus ideis; idearum copia ex caelo angelico sistebatur visibilis sicut nubes candida distincta in moleculas, unaquaevis molecula, quae constabat ex innumerabilibus, producebat unam simplicem ideam apud spiritum; et dein ostensum quod millia et millia inessent quae quoque per nubem loquelae spirituum repraesentata sunt. {1} De his locutus dein sum cum spiritibus, quod illustrari queant illa per objecta visus, unum objectum, {2}quod apparet simplex, cum inspicitur vitro optico, tunc {3}sistuntur videnda millia non visa, sicut vermiculi minores qui apparent sicut unum obscurum, inspecti microscopio non solum plures sunt sed quisque in forma; quae si adhuc subtiliore {4}visu inspicitur, videntur organa, membra, viscera et quoque vasa (c)et fibrae; ita quoque se habet cum ideis cogitationis; unicuique millia et millia insunt, tametsi plures ideae simul, ex quibus cogitatio, modo sicut simplex {5}apparet. Sed usque unius cogitationis ideis plura insunt quam ideis alterius; copia quae inest, se habet secundum extensionem in societates. @1 i cum ita se habent ideae cogitationis apud spiritus, quid non apud hominem?$ @2 cum putatur$ @3 apparent$ @4 vitro$ @5 appareant$

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