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属天的奥秘 第6654节


  6654.“看哪,这以色列人的百姓极其众多,超过我们”表教会真理正在盛行,超过了疏远的记忆知识。这从 “众多”的含义,以及“以色列人”、埃及王和他百姓的代表清楚可知:“以色列人”是指教会的真理与良善(参看6647节);“众多”是指盛行,因为“增多”或“众多”论及真理(参看埃及王6648节);埃及王和他的百姓,就是此处“超过我们”所指的,是指疏远的记忆知识,如前所述(6652节)。由此明显可知,“看哪,这以色列人的百姓极其众多,超过我们”表示那真理正在盛行,超过了疏远的记忆知识。

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Potts(1905-1910) 6654

6654. Behold, the people of the sons of Israel are many and numerous more than we. That this signifies that the truths of the church prevail over alienated memory-knowledges, is evident from the representation of the sons of Israel, as being the truths and goods of the church (see n. 6647); from the signification of "many" and "numerous," as being to prevail (that "to be multiplied," or "to become many and numerous," is said of truth, see also above, n. 6648); and from the representation of the king of Egypt and his people, who are here meant by "more than we," as being alienated memory-knowledges (as above, n. 6652). Hence it is plain that by "Behold the people of Israel are many and numerous more than we" is signified that truths prevail over alienated memory-knowledges.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6654

6654. 'Behold, the people of the children of Israel are many and numerous, more than ourselves' means that the Church's truths are prevailing over alienated factual knowledge. This is clear from the representation of 'the children of Israel' as the Church's truths and forms of good, dealt with above in 6647; from the meaning of 'many and numerous' as prevailing, for 'multiplying', or becoming many, and 'numerous' are used in reference to truth, see also above, in 6648; and from the representation of the king of Egypt and his people, whom one should understand here by 'more than ourselves', as alienated factual knowledge, as above in 6652 From all this it is evident that 'Behold, the people of [the children of] Israel are many and numerous, more than ourselves' means that truths are prevailing over alienated factual knowledge.

Latin(1748-1756) 6654

6654. `Ecce populus filiorum Israelis multus et numerosus prae nobis': quod significet quod invalescant vera Ecclesiae super scientificis abalienatis, constat ex repraesentatione `filiorum Israelis' quod sint vera et bona Ecclesiae, de qua supra n. 6647; {1} ex significatione `multus et numerosus' quod sit invalescere; quod multiplicari {2}seu multus fieri, et numerosus, praedicetur de vero, videatur etiam supra n. 6648; et ex repraesentatione regis Aegypti et populi ejus, qui hic intelliguntur per `prae nobis,' quod sint scientifica abalienata, ut supra n. 6652;' inde patet quod per `ecce populus Israelis multus et numerosus prae nobis' significetur quod invalescant vera {3} super scientificis abalienatis. @1 i hic populus Israelis dicitur, quia vera significantur, quod populus sint vera videatur mox supra n. 6653,$ @2 et numerosus fieri$ @3 i Ecclesiae$

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